“And you? Are you shy around women?”

I chuckled nervously. “Why would you ask that?”

“I don’t know. Claire’s a beautiful woman, and you’re all wrapped up in her son. Do you expect us to believe it’s all about him for you?”

“I like Owen. He’s a good kid. But Claire’s just come off a divorce. Frankly, I don’t think she even sees me that way.” But just a minute ago, I could have sworn her eyes were dark with desire, that she enjoyed my body pressed against hers too. But I wouldn’t admit that to my brother.

“I wouldn’t wait to make a move if that’s what you want.”

My stomach twisted as Teddy headed back outside. Was he right? Had I not been reading Claire’s signals? Or was I too caught up in the idea that a woman like Claire wouldn’t like me?

I took a deep breath before I headed outside to join the others. There was ribbing and teasing, and Claire watched it all with an affectionate expression on her face.

We ate inside because it got colder as the sun set. Owen spoke more freely as the night went on and seemed to be more comfortable. I liked the idea of him working here. It would be easier to see Claire.

“Thank you so much for sharing your farm and home with us. We had a nice time,” Claire said as she and Owen stood by the door, saying goodbye to my brothers and my dad.

“You’re welcome back. Any friend of Jameson’s is a friend of ours,” Al said.

As much as I wanted to be friends with Claire, I didn’t like the idea of someone else dating Claire. If I waited too long, someone else would see how amazing she was. I couldn’t let that happen.

I opened the door. “I’ll walk you out.” I ignored my brothers’ raised eyebrows. Let them talk. Teddy was the one who told me to make a move, but I wasn’t going to do it in front of my family and her son.

I closed the door behind me. When we reached the car, I fist-bumped Owen. “I’ll see you at practice. Keep up with your workouts.”

“I am,” he said as he opened the back door and got inside.

“You know, he’s probably big enough to sit up front,” I said to Claire once his door was shut.

She shook her head, a smile playing on her face. “Don’t remind me he’s growing up. He’s going to be taller than me at some point.”

“I think that’s going to happen very soon,” I teased.

She slapped my arm, and I wanted to grab her wrist and pull her to me.

The only thing that stopped me was that Owen was in the back seat. His head was probably buried in his phone that he hadn’t bothered to look at all day. But there was still the issue of my nosy brothers. I wouldn’t put it past them for their noses to be pressed against the front windows.

“You want to schedule that cooking lesson one night this week? I can come over after practice.” I wanted to see her more often. The few seconds after practice didn’t count, especially since we had to pretend we didn’t know each other.

“That would be great. I’ll let you know which day would be best.”

“It’s a date,” I said with a smile, not bothering to clarify my word choice.

Her lips quirked. “You’re too charming for your own good.”

Before I could tell her that I was serious and it wasn’t an act, she’d opened her car door and climbed inside.

“Have a good night, Claire. I’ll see you soon.”

She smiled at me. “Night, Jameson.”

I loved the sound of my name on her lips. She didn’t think I was too young or immature. She treated me as an equal. I just wished she’d see me as something more than friends.

I closed her door and stepped back, shoving my hands into my pockets as she turned on the engine, then the lights, and backed out.

I stretched out the tension in my neck as her taillights disappeared down the lane. Inside, my brothers were in the kitchen, cleaning up the dishes.

“You weren’t watching out the front window?” I asked when I entered the room.