“I really appreciate you taking the time to help him with it. I wouldn’t know how to advise him.”

“You know, one of the coaches on my baseball team gave me a workout regimen. He saw something in me and thought I should get stronger. That’s when I fell in love with working out. It just took one coach showing an interest. I want to pass that on to someone, and I’m glad it’s Owen.”

“Me too.”

“It was right after my mom died, and it gave me something to focus on. Something besides how my life was changing and would never be the same again,” I admitted, feeling vulnerable.

“I can’t even imagine.” Claire’s voice was full of compassion. “How is coaching going? I’ve made the tail end of practice a few times, and it seems like the kids are listening.”

“It’s been interesting. There are so many different personalities on the team. There’s Colton who’s so positive but he doesn’t have a competitive bone in his body. Then there’s Andrew who’s talented but a bit of a goof. He’s always joking around and trying to be the life of the team.”

“Does that sound like someone else?” Claire teased.

“He’s a little like me, I guess. Then there’s Bryce who’s talented, but his dad pushes him hard. He’s made comments that if he doesn’t play well, his dad will be pissed.”

“How’s Owen doing? I know you’re not supposed to play favorites, but I worry about him.”

“He listens to what I have to say, and he’s respectful. He could use more practice outside of our scheduled times though.”

“What should I do? Throw with him?”

“Can you get together with one of the other kids on the team?”

“I’ll ask him if he’s friends with anyone.”

“That would be good.”

“How’s the house hunting going?” Claire asked.

“I haven’t found anything I like. The more I think about it, the more I’m wondering if I should build on my dad’s property. What do you think?”

“It doesn’t matter what I think. This is your life.”

“I want to know your opinion. I already know what my brothers will say.”

“And what’s that?” Claire asked lightly.

I sighed. “That I need to grow up and move away from home.”

She sucked in a breath. “Would they really tell you to grow up?”

I ran a hand through my hair. “We give each other hell, but I know I’ve irritated them in the past by not knowing what I want to do. I still don’t know what I want to do.”

“Aren’t you doing it? You’re working in jobs that you enjoy and make you feel fulfilled.”

I paused, wondering if she was right. “I’m happy doing what I am now even if I’m busier than I’ve ever been. The nice thing is that I can choose when I want to sub. So if I’ve worked a twenty-four shift at the firehouse, I don’t sub that day.”

“It sounds like you have everything figured out. I wouldn’t worry about what your brothers think.”

“That’s easier said than done.”

“I’m sure it is. But all that matters is whether you’re happy.”

“I’m getting there.” The thing that I missed was the time I’d spent with Claire and Owen. It wasn’t anything really, just a few dinners and evenings spent playing football, but it was the most fun I could remember having in forever.

It was too bad that we couldn’t spend more time together.

“What do you want?” Claire asked, and my heart skipped a beat.