“But I’m just a sub. I have some leeway in how much I get through. No one will be surprised if nothing on the agenda gets done. But I like to go above and beyond. I want to be invited back.”

“I think you’ll be able to do that. I haven’t met many subs that were passionate about working with middle schoolers. Most avoid them, staying in the elementary schools where the kids are still sweet and innocent.”

“You chose to work with that age group.”

“I like the challenge of teaching English at this level. It’s really this age group when you can see their writing progress. And I’m working with sixth graders. Of the three years, that one is probably the best.”

Silence fell between us, and I hated that this meant we couldn’t see or talk to each other outside of pickup at football practices.

“Does this mean you don’t need to worry about Owen coming home and cooking when you’re not there,” Jameson teased.

“It’s convenient. I can hang around school and get some grading done, then pick him up from practice.”

“If he ever needs a ride, just let me know.”

“Wouldn’t it look like favoritism if you’re just giving him a ride?”

“I’d give any kid a ride who needed it. I just happen to understand the unique challenges of a single mother. You don’t have help, do you? His dad, your parents?”

“My parents think that the day-to-day care of a child should fall to the parents. After all, they’ve already raised their kids.”

“I’m sorry. My dad and I and my brothers watch Izzy whenever Daphne needs us. Although, it’s less now that she met Cole.”

“Oh? How did that come about?” I was very interested in how one juggles being a single mom and dating.

“Well, he works for our rival tree farm, so it started out as a secret thing. They saw each other whenever they could. When it came out, not everyone was happy. But once we realized that Cole was completely taken with Izzy and Daphne, it was hard to stand between them. He’s good for her.”

“That’s so sweet.”

“When his cousins confronted him about his relationship with a Calloway, Cole broke things off with Daphne. But then he showed up at Thanksgiving to apologize. It was the way Izzy reacted to him that convinced us to back off. You could see the love she had for him and vice versa. He’s since asked the bio dad to relinquish his parental rights, which he did.”

“Wow. That’s amazing.” I’d never ask Eric to relinquish his rights. He was there, just not in the same way I was. He was an okay dad, but I wouldn’t mind adding someone to my life who could relate to Owen. And so far, Jameson had proved he could be that guy.

“It took my oldest brother Teddy a little longer to come around. I’m not sure he’s there yet, but he’s kind of a pain about everything. So we don’t worry about him.”

“I’m happy for your sister.” I’d been determined to make a go of things alone, but Jameson had just given me hope that I could find something with a new man. Even if it wasn’t him.

Jameson raised a brow. “What about you?”

“What about me?” I asked, picking at a seam on my pajamas.

“Have you dated since the divorce?”

“Not really. My friends tried to set me up a few times, but it was awkward. One guy said we were the perfect pair because he also had a middle schooler.”

“A match made in heaven,” Jameson joked.

“Right? As if the fact that we have similarly aged children makes us compatible. It almost made me feel like he was looking for someone to clean and cook for him. He didn’t say that, but—”

“I can see why you thought that. So what you’re saying is, you haven’t had fun dating after your divorce?” Jameson asked lightly.

“Not at all. I’m not even sure how to navigate it.”

“You should have some fun.” His words danced over my skin.

“I’m a single mom. I’m not sure I can handle fun.”

Jameson chuckled. “I bet you can. You just have to meet the right guy.”