“You don’t think it will be weird that you hung out before?” I asked him, knowing it was only going to be awkward for me.
Owen gave me a disbelieving look. “Why would it be weird?”
I shrugged. “I’ll call him after dinner.”
“Can you call him now? I don’t want him to think I don’t want to be on the team.”
I sighed. “Fine. I’ll do it now.”
I took the phone into my office for some privacy, although there was no need for it. When Jameson’s voice came over the phone, my ear tingled. His tone was low and deep. I’d never talked to him on the phone before.
“You got my email?”
I swallowed. “I did.”
“Well, what does Owen think?” Jameson asked.
“He’s excited to be on the team.”
Jameson let out a breath. “Good. That’s good.”
I lowered my voice. “You didn’t pick him because you knew him, right?”
“I picked him because he was good enough to make the team. He still has a lot of work to do. But I see him training as the backup quarterback.”
I knew enough about football to know what that meant. “Are you serious?”
“He has a great arm. He has the potential. The only thing is the team already has a quarterback.”
“I’m sure Owen will be excited to play wherever you put him.”
“That’s the kind of player I want on the team.”
“I’ll let him know. Thanks for all your help, Jameson. I don’t know if we’d have the same result if you hadn’t taken the time with him.”
“The kid has potential. Any good coach should be able to see it. But you know how it is. There’s so much politics with sports at this age. I just want to field the best team and mold them into responsible, young men. School will always come first with me. Feel free to tell him that.”
“I will.” I had a feeling Jameson was going to be an amazing coach.
The line fell silent for a few seconds.
I cradled the phone, wishing we were talking for a different reason. That he was coming over for dinner tonight. “I heard you taught today.”
“Do you work at the same school?”
I smiled at the rumors I’d heard. The kids were excited and frustrated with Jameson. “I do.”
“What were they saying?” Then he sighed, and I couldn’t help the smile that spread over my face. “Nope. Don’t tell me. I don’t want to know.”
“Let’s just say they respect you.”
I heard the smile in his voice. “Good. That’s what I was going for.”
“I can’t say I’ve heard as much buzz about a substitute teacher before. Usually, there’s complaints or even excitement that they were allowed to be on their phone the whole time. But I heard you had a productive day.”
“I do my best. I want to do a good job while I’m there.”
“It sounds like you’re on the right track, and I wouldn’t worry about coaching. You’re going to be great.”