We laughed as we tumbled out of the mudroom and into the kitchen where Charlotte stood in a dress and heels, her brow raised and a hand on her hip. “It’s so lovely to meet you.”
I chuckled into my hand as Teddy’s grin slipped off his face.
“Charlotte, these are my boys: Teddy, Weston, and Jameson.”
“It’s nice to meet you officially. Although I think I remember Teddy from the bachelorette auction. You bid on Hanna?”
Teddy shifted on his feet. “That was a long time ago.”
I gave him a shocked look. “I didn’t know you bid on someone. I thought you were there to make sure Fiona didn’t.”
“That’s why I was there. I don’t know why—”
Charlotte laughed, and the sound was so unexpected we were all momentarily stunned. “Don’t worry about it. I was just giving you a hard time.”
I was enjoying the interaction a little bit too much. I shook her hand, covering hers with both of mine. “It’s so nice to meet you.”
Teddy bristled behind me.
I respected her despite her short stature and sweet manner.
“Give her some space. We’re here to discuss business.” Dad sat at the head of the table.
We’d have dinner after she left so we all sat around the table with her at the other end. She’d brought a computer and a notebook. “You sent over the spreadsheets, and I had a chance to go over them.
“You sent her the records?” Teddy asked Dad.
Dad shrugged. “How else do you expect her to help us?”
“I thought this was an informational meeting where we could decide if Charlotte was a good fit for us.”
Charlotte smiled sweetly. “This is for me to know if you’re a good fit for me too. I’ve found that I can only help people who want it.”
I gave her my panty dropping smile. It didn’t feel as good as it usually did, but I knew it would annoy Teddy. “Oh, we want your help.”
Charlotte gave me a confused look before she turned back to her computer screen.
I wondered if she was immune to my charms because she liked Teddy? No. That couldn’t be. He was an asshole on a good day.
I exchanged a look with Wes. He was thinking the same thing I was.
“I want to start off by saying that this meeting is confidential. I’ll never share anything we talk about with the Monroes. They’re my family, but I’m not involved in the business. I help at the shop, but mostly I work at the Matthews Inn.”
“I’ve heard that the guests love you,” I gushed, catching a glare from Teddy. He really did get irked when I turned up the charm on her.
Charlotte flushed. “I’m good with people.”
I winked at her, but Wes kicked me. “I bet you are.”
I was probably coming on too thick, or it was being with Claire that was throwing me off my game. I never had a problem throwing out a smile or a wink because it didn’t mean anything to me. But somehow the time I’d spent with Claire had fucked me for all other women.
Maybe it made me see that my interactions had been superficial, and what I had with her was real. That made me feel a little unsettled as Charlotte ran through her observations regarding the business on paper. When I tuned in, it was nothing different than the conclusion we’d all come to. We needed to make some drastic changes.
“What would you suggest?” Dad asked.
“If you’re willing, I have some ideas. You have that treehouse on the property.”
Teddy’s jaw tightened. “The treehouse?”