Quinn gives me a skeptical look. “Come on, we’re both professionals here. And I don’t know what your team is doing, but you need new people, because they’re blowing this for you.”

My heart sinks. Talk about confirming my worst fears.

“The runaway bride thing, and those bad stock photos were bad enough,” Quinn continues briskly. “But now this? You’ve lost control of the narrative. Right now, you’re just a flighty bimbo, and that’s not a reputation you can shake off so easily, not once it sticks.”

“So what can I do?” I ask, feeling hopeless. “I don’t exactly have the editor of US Weekly on speed-dial here.”

“Give them a new story,” Quinn replies immediately. “Something to root for. Romance. True love! They ate up the Jackson/Tessa stuff because it’s the fairytale everyone dreams about: our ordinary Cinderella, falling for the hunky movie star.” She pauses. “You’re too famous to play Cinderella, but the same rules apply.”

“A new story,” I echo, wondering where on earth I’d even start.

Quinn nods. “And if I was doing your publicity, I’d run exactly the same playbook. Give them a wholesome small-town romance, with you and Mister Blue-Collar Craftsman out there. Holding hands at the drive-in, sharing a milkshake in the town square. Long enough to turn this all around and land your next big role, at least.”

I blink in disbelief. “You mean… fake a relationship with Duke?”

“He’ll do it!”

We turn. Suze is standing in the doorway, looking delighted…

… and Duke is right there alongside her. Not looking delighted.

Not at all.

“Over my dead body.”



“Hey buddy, it’s Matt. From college? I saw you’re hooking up with a movie star these days. Nice going. You want to introduce me to some of her friends? Haha.”


“Duke, sweetheart, it’s mom again. I’ve been getting calls from journalists about this business with Avery Lawrence. Don’t worry, I only told them nice things! Call me.”


“Idiot, it’s Suze. Why aren’t you picking up? I’m serious about this whole fake-dating thing. Come on, hanging out with a movie star wouldn’t be the end of the world. Think about it!”


“Sweetheart, it’s me again. Mom. I was thinking, you should bring this Avery for dinner. It’s only a few hours drive, and I’d love to meet her. I could make my lasagna!”


I let out a growl, and hurl my phone across the room. I haven’t had a moment’s peace since those photos went live. Everybody and their neighbor wants to know what’s going on, and they won’t take “no” for an answer.

Thanks for nothing, Avery.

I roll out of bed and shuffle into my shower, still scowling. It’s ridiculous, all this drama over nothing. I’ve tried setting everyone straight, that there’s absolutely nothing romantic, or even vaguely platonic, between me and Little Miss Movie star, but those pictures tell a different story.

I wonder again if she set the whole thing up. I wouldn’t put it past her. Avery seems to love the spotlight, and Lord knows, she’s under the glare of it now. And as for this fake-date nonsense Suze is bugging me about?

I’d rather go head-to-head with that rattlesnake. At least a man knows where he stands with a venomous beast like that. But a woman like Avery, smiling up at you with those baby blue eyes and her soft pink lips…? Clutching onto your shoulders…?

Burying her hands in your hair…

“Duke? Wake up!”