“OK, maybe twenty-nine,” I admit. “But they don’t know that! I had the internet scrubbed for anything that even mentions my age.”
“Seriously?” Duke laughs. “That’s crazy.”
“That’s Hollywood,” I correct him. “You don’t understand, some casting directors won’t even look at you once you turn thirty. You get a few years to make it big enough to last the long-haul, and that’s it. Hence me and you and this ridiculous scheme. Yes, hence,” I add. “I read, remember?”
Duke’s eyes catch mine across the table, crinkled with amusement, and I feel those damn clog-stomping butterflies start up again.
“You know, I’ve never actually seen your movies,” Duke says, after the waitress comes to take our orders. “Where should I start?”
I pause. “For real?”
Duke shrugs. “I mean, it seems like the kind of thing a boyfriend should do.”
“You’d be surprised,” I give a laugh. “But… the movie I shot in Blackberry Cove last year, that’s one I’m pretty proud of. Reeve was a great director, and I got to do some real acting, not just prance around in a minidress. I want to do more of that,” I add. He cocks an eyebrow, and I laugh. “Acting, silly. There’s actually another director I love, I’d kill to work with her.”
I tell him about the Amelia Earhart project, and my research into the role. “I’d love a shot at auditioning, but she’s probably only testing serious actresses,” I finish with a sigh.
“Can’t you audition anyway?” Duke asks, demolishing the rest of the bread basket.
I shake my head. “You have to be invited, or have your team pull strings to get you in the room and, well, nobody’s exactly calling in favors for me right now,” I tell him regretfully.
“And there’s really no way around that?” Duke frowns. “Why not just go to this Madeline directly?”
I pause. “I mean, I could self-tape,” I say slowly. “Just film my own audition, and send it to her uninvited,” I explain. “But, it’s kind of tacky. And what if she thinks I’m too arrogant, assuming I’ll get the role?”
“But at least you’ll be the one calling the shots,” Duke argues, “instead of waiting around for someone to give you permission.”
“Maybe…” Our appetizers arrive, two plates of tiny scallops drizzled with an elaborate sauce. I take the chance to pivot the conversation to something less fraught with my fears of personal failure. “So, is that what you do with your work, call the shots?” I ask, taking another sip of wine.
“On the construction site, yeah,” Duke agrees with a smile.
“So you build houses, like the Property Brothers?” I ask.
Duke recoils so hard, he almost knocks his silverware off the table. “Nothing like them,” he scowls.
“Easy there,” I tease. “You look like you’re about to go storm the offices at HGTV.”
Duke takes a breath. “Sorry. I’ve been told I have a lot of… strong opinions about these things.”
“You? Opinionated?” I grin. “Never.”
He gives a chuckle. “The work I do is more about historic restoration. The job I’m working now, this guy inherited his grandparents’ old house. The place was falling apart, but instead of tearing it down and building something brand new, we’re using the original blueprints and plans to restore it properly.”
“With some modern plumbing, I hope,” I tease, and he laughs.
“A few mod-cons, yeah.”
I can see how passionate he is about his work. Duke relaxes, looking animated as he describes his current projects, and all the research that goes into using the right materials, and historic building techniques they were using a hundred years ago.
“The historic look is really big right now,” I agree, digging into my entrée. “A designer friend of mine back in LA just did a big spread for Architectural Digest, her client has this big Spanish mansion. Of course, the client is a celebrity makeup artist, and did the whole thing with blood-red walls and a kinky sex dungeon,” I smirk. “But everyone wants original details like that now. You’re right on-trend,” I tell him with a smile.
“Trend’s aren’t the point,” Duke answers curtly. “It’s about building something right, not posing for some glossy magazine, or chasing bullshit status.”
“Right, but all the publicity is a bonus, too.” I suggest. “It’s great your work and skills are getting the credit they deserve.”