Page 22 of Captive Heart

When Xavier called by to check on her, Micah had just come to the realisation that Melody wasn't going to ask for anything, the reality of being able to do so still too new to her.

Thankfully, Dr. Diaz’s no-nonsense attitude saw Melody taking pain killers, agreeing to eat a bowl of nourishing chicken soup and submitting to another inspection of her injuries. After which Xavi proclaimed that a shower followed by a leisurely dip in the club's hydro pool was finally in order.

"You'll need to supervise both," he told Micah in no uncertain terms "She mustn't be on her feet in the shower, but she really does need to get cleaned up. If it hadn't been for the need to warm the frostbite so slowly, I'd have insisted on it first thing."

The good doctor turned his head to consider his patient, who now lounged, dozing, on the couch. Trinity had come by earlier in the day and brought some clothes for Melody to wear, but Micah had kept her wrapped up in the blankets until he had Xavier's agreement that Melody's frostbite was treated well enough for her to get properly cleaned up.

"I'd suggest a bath, but she's so caked in mud and dried blood that I don't want her sitting in her own filth," Xavi proclaimed in his usual forthright manner. "We need to reduce the risk of infection, so those cuts and abrasions really need a good soaking in that medication I gave you. Plus, I noticed her muscles are tight as hell, which is another reason why the hydro pool would be more beneficial. But you can't leave her in it alone, in case she passes out again, so be prepared to be a little hands-on.”

Micah nodded his understanding while Xavier continued. “After that, the wounds will need to be kept dry, so take care to make sure they're completely clean and use the filter system in the hydro pool after she's soaked for the first fifteen minutes so she's getting fresh water circulating those injuries to avoid cross infection."

When they’d finished discussing Melody’s care, Micah brought up her mental health, since he was still second guessing himself. "I've agreed to take on the role of her master until she is ready to be a little more independent," he revealed, his hesitation revealing his inner conflict.

"Good!" Xavier stated without a qualm. "I realise it probably goes against your principles, Micah, but she's clearly had a hard time of things over quite a sustained period. She's out of her element here; she needs guidance and support on how to get her life back and start making her own decisions."

Xavi smiled a rare smile and clapped Micah on the shoulder. "I can't think of anyone more suitable to show her the way, son," he assured sincerely. "You are the one person who can understand all of the psychological implications of what she has been through and what she needs in order to move forward. And I know you are probably the only man who can successfully wade through that minefield without taking advantage of her, however inadvertently."

The older man packed up his things, ready to take his leave, and Micah walked him to the door, contemplating the doctor’s words.

"I appreciate that it's a huge undertaking for you, and one you're probably not completely comfortable with after all you’ve been through, but I think maybe it will be beneficial to both of you."

With those final words, Xavier left, but Micah stood for a long time, considering the truth of what he had said. Xavi had hit the nail on the head, after all.

The one thing Micah had never wanted in his life was a Master/slave relationship.

He didn't want the responsibility of being in total control of every move a woman made. He had neither the time nor the energy to think for another person as well as for himself, and everything that was happening with Melody was contrary to his personal feelings on a relationship dynamic.

And yet it was the very thing that Melody needed.

Not because she necessarily wanted to be a slave in the sense of a D/s relationship. But because her entire adult life had consisted of relationships where she wasn't required to think for herself or function on her own terms. First as a 'little' to a 'Daddy' who controlled her life. Then as a captive; a permanent, real-life slave. And now, she had no idea how to function by herself.

It was the very same dynamic that his ex-girlfriend and submissive, Sara, had started to demand from him. The very thing that had caused the cracks in their relationship to widen into a permanent split when she decided to walk out on him. To turn her back on the three years they had spent together and seek out a Dom who would fulfil her desire to become a 24/7 slave.

Micah clenched his teeth against the bad taste the memories left in his mouth. But he wasn't ready to go down that rabbit hole just yet. Instead, he brought his focus back to Melody and the fact that he was going to need to seek out some help from another club member, Detective Andy Storer, to look into her claims of abduction and abuse. There needed to be some serious investigation and justice brought into this scenario.

But first, the clean up!


Melody was dozing quite contentedly. The doctor had given her some extra strong medication for the pain in her feet, which had become bone deep and excruciating, and her belly was pleasantly full, from eating the chunky chicken soup and crusty fresh baked bread.

She couldn't remember the last time she’d felt this warm and comfortable and not had the gnawing pains of hunger clawing at her stomach.

Sure, she was disgustingly grungy and covered in cuts, bruises, and welts, but, for the first time in many years, none of them were new, so it was all bearable.

Plus, the doctor had said she could have a shower now that her feet were treated, and Master had even promised her it would be warm. The old one—she needed to think of something to call him now he was no longer her mast…no, she didn't even want to think of him in the same terms as Micah, or even Daddy—well, if he had permitted her to wash, then the water had always been cold. A hot shower was going to be a real treat.

Melody smiled to herself and snuggled down a little more into her cosy nest of blankets. There were even some clothes—proper, warm, winter clothes, to put on afterward. She was really feeling quite spoiled.

She didn't hear Micah's return until he spoke to her.

"Come on, sleepy head, time for that shower," he called, giving her a gentle nudge.

Melody yawned and sat up, preparing to stand, when he dropped a large fluffy towel in her lap and swung her up into his arms.

"I can walk!" Melody protested as she instinctively threw her arms around his neck for balance.

"No, you can't," Micah denied. "Doctor's orders, remember, you need to stay off those feet."