"Hmm, well, it's better than nothing, I suppose, but she could have picked up all manner of contaminants drinking runoff from the roof. I'll leave you some broad-spectrum antibiotics to be on the safe side, and you need to keep an eye on some of those lacerations and check they're not getting infected," Xavi instructed.
"Plus, she needs to have nourishing, but bland, food. Nothing too rich or fatty, or she'll just vomit it back up again and that won't do her any good, given the catalogue of complaints she has. Little and often will be best to begin with. She may be tempted to try to pig out if she's been starved for a long time, but you mustn't let her."
Micah nodded his understanding and took the tablets Xavier took out of his medical bag.
"Finally, she needs to be properly bathed. All those cuts and abrasions need soaking and inspecting. The deeper ones could do with dressing. I'll leave you supplies to deal with that. I know you're qualified in basic first aid for your job here, so I won't patronise you by telling you how to do it. But a warm bath or a dip in the club's hydro pool—which would probably help ease some of the muscle pain she's bound to have—will have to wait until the frost bite has been dealt with. I'll warn you now that once she starts getting some feeling back in her toes, the pain is going to be excruciating. Some aloe gel might help soothe it, and normal painkillers can be taken along with those antibiotics."
There was a groan from behind them, and both men spun around to see the woman moving and whimpering.
Xavier checked on her once again. "Start on that frostbite straight away, even if she's not fully lucid, and see if you can find some of those dissolvable glucose tablets to put in her water." He dug around in his doctor's bag and came up with a small bottle, which he also handed to Micah. "Add this to whatever method you use to soak her. It's a topical antibiotic which will help any infections that might be brewing in those lacerations. And don't forget to ensure that the bath or hydro pool is properly sterilised both before and after she uses it, to prevent the spread of contaminants."
Xavier started gathering up his things, then turned to Micah one last time. "She's exhausted and depleted, more than anything. Her breathing is already less shallow than it was when I first got here. I'd stay longer if I could, but I already have patients scheduled this afternoon, and it's too late to cancel, but I'll call in as soon as I've finished work this evening."
"Thanks, Xavi." Micah clapped the older man on the back and shook his hand.
"You've got the hard job, Micah. Ring me on my personal line if you're worried or you need anything. I'll keep it open for you."
With that, he gave a goodbye salute and showed himself out while Micah took the bowl they'd used and went to refill it with tepid water to start the mystery girl’s frostbite treatment.
She felt as if she was floating.
For the first time in days, she almost felt warm. She definitely felt cosy, and it was wonderful.
The hard, unforgiving slabs she'd been bedding on seemed so soft and comfortable today. Maybe she was just dreaming. If she was, she hoped she didn't wake up. She just wanted to stay right here and drift along, snug and comfortable and almost warm.
Even her cramping stomach didn't seem too bad right now. She wiggled her toes reflexively and thought she felt water. She frowned and lifted them slightly, making a little splash. Perhaps she really was dreaming. The water was a comfortable temperature, not like the freezing cold, miserable rain of the past few days. She wondered if she should look, but she didn't want the dream to end just yet, it was just so nice.
Then the water started to feel a little warmer. Mmm, that was nice, too. It took away a little bit more of the chill she was still feeling inside her little cocoon of cosiness. She was aware of a noise like water pouring. Was it a waterfall? Was that where she was in her dream? Some sunny, hidden pool with soft, warm sand and a waterfall.
Yes, she should stay right here and enjoy it while she could, because somewhere on the edges of her memory was something black and evil and scary, and she didn't want to go there at all. Better to stay here and make the most of this little oasis she had found.
Micah poured a little more of the hot water into the foot bath he had rigged up and noticed that the girl was starting to wake up.
He didn't need his psychology training to know that he needed to tread carefully now. She was going to be bewildered and disoriented, and with the abuse she had sustained, there was no telling how that would spur her reaction.
In his mind, he could still hear the chilling howl she had uttered before she'd passed out in the yard, and it was enough to turn even his strong stomach.
Besides that, he was a big, muscly guy, and he knew his sheer bulk might appear intimidating to someone who didn't know him.
He moved over to the far corner of the room and sat on the other side of the table, in order to put some strategic items of furniture between them, giving her a sense of safety and making himself appear less intimidating, more at her level rather than towering over her.
He sat quietly and waited for her to acknowledge her surroundings, stifling the urge to speak to her before she noticed him.
She blinked several times, and he wondered if she was having trouble focusing or if the light was just too bright for her.
Wiggling her feet, she sloshed water out of the bowl, and Micah was glad he'd had the forethought to protect the carpet with a plastic sheet and a towel.
She groaned as she sat forward to look at her feet, and he could tell she was taking stock of the way she was bundled into a mishmash of soft subbie blankets, towels, a thick quilt and a silver space blanket to regulate her body temperature.
He also noted the moment she realised she was naked, since she sat bolt upright, grabbed at the coverings in front of her and peered beneath them.
A little whimper was torn from her dry lips, and it was then that her gaze started darting around the room, her eyes wide, resting for a moment on the door before finally realising he was there.
Her gaze settled only for the barest moment. Before he had time to react, despite the fact that he'd been prepared for her reaction, she was struggling to her feet in a futile attempt to escape.
"Please don't be afraid." Micah kept his voice soft and easy. "I'm not going to hurt you."