“Come on, girl! You’ve worked so hard all this time. Of course, it will come together! You deserve it all, girl, and I can’t wait for your business to fully begin and become a huge hit. We are designing clothes for celebrities and the rich only!”
I busted out in laughter as I listened to Lydia cheering me up and making me laugh just as she always does. “Thank you, girl!”
I was grateful for our friendship. Moments like this served as a source of encouragement, especially on the days when I wanted to give it all up.
“You’re welcome. Okay, I have to go now. I don’t want to be late for my next appointment.”
I put my phone down, letting out a sigh of excitement. For the first time since I quit my job, it finally felt like things were coming together perfectly.
Now, all I needed to do was secure the loan and begin implementing the plans I had in place. Perhaps I wouldn’t be a disappointment to the family after all.
I could still remember my mom trying to talk me out of quitting my job. My dad never had an issue; he understood where I was coming from. He knew how much I loved fashion, so he was willing to support me from the start. My mom, on the other hand, saw no reason why I needed to quit my job. According to her, I could have found a way to balance both.
I sighed as I remembered the long arguments we had the last time I saw her. Although things were somewhat improved now, I knew for a fact she was still not okay with all that I was doing.
Oh God! If this loan can come through, I will finally be able to prove that I’m on the right track.
Pulling my coat around myself tighter, I felt the cold air send shivers down my spine as I walked the street en route to Will’s company.
These days, the weather seemed to be very inconsistent—rainy today, sunny tomorrow, and chilly on the next day.
I walked into the building’s reception, feeling slightly more comfortable than the first time I came here. I approached the receptionist directly to explain why I was there.
“Good morning, ma’am. My name is Elizabeth Giller, and I’m one of the applicants for the loan. I was asked to come in today for a meeting with the financial director.”
“Oh, hello, ma’am. Welcome, and please, just a minute.”
“Thank you.”
While I waited for the young lady to do her thing, I looked around the reception, properly taking in the features of the room. It indeed spoke money, with displays of expensive artworks and crafts. The ceilings and the lounging couches were uniquely designed. I had not had the chance to admire the interior of the reception during the initial visit as the thoughts of the loan were all up in my head. I guess sometimes we ought to take a moment and observe, no matter how busy life may get.
“All right, ma’am, he is available and ready to see you.”
“Thank you. Could I please get directions to his office?”
“Yes, just take the elevator to the fourth floor. The fifth office to your right is his office.”
“All right, thank you very much.”
Okay, here we go! I thought to myself as I walked further into the building.
Spotting the elevator, I hurriedly joined the group that was already inside. With them all getting down on the second floor, I suddenly realized I had yet to click the floor I was going to.
Which was it? Fourth or the fifth floor?
As I tried to recall our conversation, I was confident she had said the fifth floor.
Clicking the button, I waited patiently as the elevator continued its journey to the fifth floor before opening up for me to get off. I looked into the hallway, and my mouth remained wide open as I could not believe my eyes.
How was it that the hallway looked this good and grand?
I have never found myself in such a workplace before. It was simple, yet the hallway exuded wealth and luxury.
I could just imagine the financial director coming here to work every day. There is no doubt he would love his job, paired with a heavy paycheck.