Lost in my thoughts, I heard my phone ring, indicating that I had a message. Picking it up from the side table, I saw it was from Will.
Oh, Elizabeth! This man is going to be the end of you. I chuckled to myself as I opened the message and read the sweet morning note he had left for me. My heart danced at his words as I typed back a response before finally forcing myself out of bed.
As much as I wanted to sleep in, watch romantic movies, and just savor this new moment, I had work to catch up on.
Yesterday, I was supposed to do some fabric shopping, but with Will around, we spent the day wrapped in each other’s arms, watching shows and eating. As I looked at myself in the mirror, I began to wonder what this meant for us—although it shouldn’t be a challenge since the public already thought we were getting married. All we had to do was carry on with our plans as usual, starting our fresh journey together.
Lost in my thoughts, I was brought back to reality by the sound of my phone ringing. Checking the caller ID, I recognized it immediately as a representative of one of the clients I had spoken with last week. Eagerly, I dropped the napkin in my hand and picked up the phone, anxious to hear what they had to say.
“Hello, good morning,” I spoke softly as I confirmed it was me on the call.
I listened intently as he began to share some information, eventually concluding with, “After much consideration, we are pleased to inform you that we would like to be a part of this project. We have sent over the contract to be signed and reverted via email. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you very much.”
I remained in shock, even after I responded thank you. I still could not believe my ears. It wasn’t until the call ended and I checked my mailbox that it sank in.
“Oh my god!” I said out loud as I read through the contract. The amount of money they were willing to invest was double what I had expected. As I looked at the mailbox again, I instantly knew that it was time to call Lydia over.
“Thank you, God,” I said from the depths of my heart. Everything was finally falling into place, and it felt surreal.
Hurriedly dialing Lydia on my phone, I placed her on speaker right before she picked up.
“Girl! Guess what?”
“What is it?” Lydia asked curiously.
“You’re going to have to come over! But just so you know, I just got my first major investor!”
“Oh my God! I’m coming over now!”
I let out a laugh as she ended the call. I hurriedly went in to freshen up before her arrival, and just as I expected, she came in a few minutes after I was done dressing.
“Now, what were you saying over the phone?”
“I just got the call this morning to check my mail, and I met the contract there waiting patiently to be signed.”
“Well, have you?”
“Not yet, Lydia, calm down. My lawyer has to go through it first. I can’t believe this. Everything is coming together, Lydia! This is so good. I mean, I’m so happy!”
“Me too, and it’s all because of you. Thank you very much, Lydia. I don’t know how I would have done all of this without you.”
“What do you mean? This is on you, Liz. All you.”
I held Lydia’s hand tightly and then embraced her warmly, overflowing with gratitude for her support through the years. I never could have asked or wished for a better best friend because she was the best friend a person could ever ask for.
“I love you so much, Lydia.”
“I love you too. So now, how are we celebrating this win? We have to go out, Liz. We have not done that in a long time.”
“You’re right on that one. You know what? Let me hurriedly call Will and tell him about the contract. Then we can pick out a spot to go and—”
“Wait! Hold up!” Lydia stopped me in the middle of my sentence, confusing me further as to what the issue was.
“What’s the issue?”
“Did you just say ‘Will’?” she asked.
At first, I didn’t understand why she was asking until it occurred to me that I had not yet told her all about yesterday.