I still couldn’t believe he looked away as though I was a stranger. It was not the first time he had acted that way, but you’d think things would be different now that we were all older and grown up. But I guess he was still as arrogant as he used to be.

“Thank you for providing us with these adequate documents, and thank you for filling out the form. We will do well to reach out to you via email for your next appointment.”

“Oh, thank you very much, ma’am,” I said as I stood up.

So that was it? I just hoped I’d get picked for the next stage and eventually get the loan. Getting this loan was just what I needed to take my business to the next level.

Oh, God, please let this one come through! I prayed in my heart as I stepped out of the building, immediately taking in a sharp breath as the cold air filled up my lungs.

Uncertain about how to spend the rest of the day, I pondered on the tasks I had listed on my to-do list before Lydia’s call came in.

“Girl, how did it go?”

“They said they would reach out to me. There is a second stage for the selection process.”

“Yes, there is, but don’t worry about it—your business properly meets the requirements and eligibility status.”

“I do hope so, Lydia.”

“I know so.”

At times, I wished I had Lydia’s kind of spirit. Unlike me, who was prone to giving up at the slightest inconvenience, Lydia was ever ready to keep pushing and trying again until she achieved the outcome she desired. Her optimistic nature was another trait to admire. Perhaps that was one of the reasons why I cherished her friendship so much.

With Lydia came life. There was never a dull moment around her, unlike her brother, who had a totally opposite vibe.

Speaking of Will.

“Funny how I saw Will. He saw me too but acted as though we were strangers.”

“For real?” Lydia asked as she let out a sigh.

“Yes, but it’s fine, not a problem.”

“You know how Will can be, Liz. Don’t let it get to you.”

“Of course not! I’m good, trust me.” I lied. I wasn’t good.

Even though Will and I had never really communicated or interacted before, it still hurt to be treated as a stranger, especially considering that I was his sister’s best friend. But then again, it is what it is.

“What do you say, I come over to your place tonight? It’s been a while since we watched a movie together and snacked.”

“I thought you had plans with Jeremy?”

Jeremy was her boyfriend, although I didn’t see the relationship lasting more than a month, just like her previous flings. But let’s see. Perhaps this time, things could be different.

“Oh, I could always cancel on him. Besides, he is beginning to bore me.”

“I thought as much.”

“Anyway, your place tonight, right?”

“Sure, I’ll see you soon.”

“All right.”

And on that note, I ended the call as I proceeded on my journey home.

Chapter four