Of course, there was no way I was going to avoid Will forever. And even if I wanted to, I definitely could not avoid Lydia forever. She was my best friend and the only friend I had literally in this world.

I looked at my time and then decided to turn on my phone to call her. I dialed her number, and it was no surprise that she picked up on the first ring.

“Oh my god, Elizabeth! I have been trying to reach you for the longest! What’s going on?”

What’s going on?

That only meant that Will had yet to tell her about what had happened.

“Nothing is going on. I’m sorry my phone had issues, so I turned it off.” I lied, but of course, she didn’t buy it.

“Come on, don’t lie to me. Will has been going crazy trying to reach you. Did you guys have a fight? Hold on, I’m coming over to your place now. This is not a conversation we have over the phone.”

Right before I could protest or say a word, she had ended the call. Knowing Lydia, she was probably going to get here in the next ten to fifteen minutes.

Looking at myself, I hurriedly tried my best not to look like I felt. I rushed into the bathroom to freshen up and then cleaned up my house—not like there was much dirt, though.

I had not eaten much the past three days. I was grateful that I wasn’t one of those who found food as their coping mechanism. If not, you could be rest assured my house was going to be a mess.

Once I was done freshening up, I looked at myself in the mirror, but unfortunately, my eyes were still swollen. It was quite obvious that I had been crying for a long time.

Letting out a breath, I hurriedly put on some clothes, only to be met with a knock at the door. I already knew Lydia was going to be here swiftly, so I rushed over to open it up.

“Girl, where have you been?” Lydia exclaimed, immediately halting her statement when she saw me.

“Oh my god, what happened to you?”

“Nothing, I just overslept,” I lied as I locked the door behind her, avoiding her gaze.

“Elizabeth, can you quit lying to me and tell me what’s up? What’s the problem? You have been so distant! I came over to your place two days ago and yesterday, and I don’t even know if you were in or not. I have been calling you, but your phone has been switched off. Will has been worried sick, Liz. Please talk to me. What’s going on?”

I remained silent as her words pierced my heart, causing my heart to ache and the emotions to come back in full force. With my depths tightening and the lump heavily gathering up in my throat, I settled in on my couch as I allowed myself to pour out all I felt.

“Oh my god, Liz. What’s the issue?” Lydia asked, concerned, as she immediately came over to where I sat.

She settled in beside me, pulling me close and allowing me to cry on her shoulder. As I sat there in her warmth, I let myself be vulnerable with her, no longer running from or hiding my emotions. If I was going to heal, I needed to release everything. I couldn’t bury or ignore the pain I was feeling; I needed to let it all out once and for all and be done with it.

“It’s okay, let it all out. I’m here for you,” Lydia said as she patted my hair while I remained with her for a while.

Once I sensed my body was done letting it all out, I sat up, wondering where to start. What was I going to say? That her brother had cheated on me?

Technically, Will did not cheat, so how could I possibly hold it against him? But at the same time, I needed to talk about it.

“Do you want to tell me what the issue is?”

I nodded slightly in response to Lydia’s question before gathering the courage to speak.

“I don’t know where to start.”

“Well, I’m all ears and not in a hurry. We can start from anywhere.”

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I took a deep breath, ready to tell my best friend what had happened.

“So you know how I said I was going over to Will’s place?”

“Yes, to tell him about how you felt and to sort things out regarding where you both stand.”

“Yes, and . . . umm . . .” I paused, looking for the right words to tell her what had happened.