She brought life and peace into my life, and now that I had tasted it, I was not willing to let it go. Never! Coming to that realization made me finally accept the fact that I wanted her. Thinking of how else to reach her, I put a call through to Lydia.

“Lydia, have you spoken to Elizabeth?”

“No, I haven’t. Why? Isn’t she supposed to be at your place?”

“How did you know that?” I asked, wondering what she knew.

“She told me she was going over to yours, and that was the last I spoke to her.”

“Oh, I see. Well, if you speak to her, could you please tell her to pick up my calls?”

“Did anything happen?” Lydia asked curiously.

I knew this was not the time to tell Lydia what had happened. There was no doubt she was going to side with Elizabeth immediately, and Lydia was the only one who could help me speak to Elizabeth. I could only hope and pray that Elizabeth listened.

Oh, God, please help me out on this one! I cried out in my heart as I looked to my ceiling, still thinking of what else I could do.

I was absolutely certain that I did not want to lose Elizabeth, not in any way!


As I stood by myself at the party of another one of my clients, I let out a sigh, feeling Elizabeth’s absence even more. Three days had passed since that night at my place, and neither Lydia nor I had been able to reach her.

I had even sent her a package, including flowers, an apology letter, and a dress I would have loved for her to wear to the party this evening. But of course, I was not surprised when the package was returned to me by the deliveryman. According to him, he got no response from the receiver. I let out another breath as I took a swig out of the glass in my hand.

To be honest, it was getting worrisome that I had not heard from Elizabeth at all. Usually, Lydia should be able to reach her, but then it seemed like Elizabeth was shutting everyone out. It bothered me even further as I wondered if she was fine or doing okay.

“Will, good to see you again. How are you?”

My attention was immediately taken as Mr. Charles walked up to me, greeting me in a cheery tone that contradicted my mood.

Well, of course, I had to hide the fact that I was not in a good mood. Immediately putting on a good smile, fair enough to hide what I was dealing with inside, I took his hand, shaking it firmly in response.

“I’m very good! And great to see you here, Mr. Charles.”

“Same here! Where is your wife? Or fiancée?” Charles joked as he winked at Will, causing Will to wonder what it was he was going to say.

“Umm . . . I . . .”

“Uh-oh, I know that response. You messed it up, didn’t you?” Charles spoke almost immediately, his expression quickly turning serious.

“How did you know that?”

“I knew from the first day that you were not going to make things work. Will, you found yourself a good woman, a good thing! Why would you let it go?”

Charles’s words stung my heart, especially because I knew he was telling the truth.

“I was scared, Charles, of letting her in again, but now, I’m even more scared that I might lose her for real this time,” I honestly admitted as I struggled to contain my emotions.

I could not even remember the last time I felt this intense kind of emotion before. All I knew was I wanted to mend things with Elizabeth.

“Then, what are you doing here?”

His question resonated with me as I also asked myself the same thing.

What was I doing here?

Why was I here?