I shook my head, trying to clear away the confusion that clouded my thoughts. Love is a complicated thing, fraught with uncertainty and risk. Yet, despite the doubts that lingered in the corners of my mind, there was something undeniably real about the connection I shared with Will.

With a sigh, I leaned back against my pillows, the events of the evening swirling around me like fragments of a half-remembered dream. I knew that I couldn’t ignore my feelings for Will any longer. I had to confront them head-on.

But then again, was I ready to go down that route with Will, especially when there was a high possibility of it being one-sided?

I let out a sigh as I thought through it again. Even though technically I was already in a relationship with him, the thought of it being real still scared me. It scared me because our worlds were absolutely different.

Just like one of those ladies had said, I was a nobody, and he was far more than a somebody.

Though it could work out, I wasn’t sure I was ready for the emotional and social drama that was going to be our norm if I went down that route.

Besides, all these feelings were probably temporary.

The last time I had ever even found myself in some sort of entanglement was a long time ago, so there was a possibility I was just reacting this way because it had been a while since I had been with somebody.

Once again, I wondered whether I should talk to Lydia about it, but I also wanted to avoid overthinking. Knowing Lydia well, there was a strong chance she would try to play matchmaker if I shared the events of the night with her.

For now, as the night stretched on around me, I allowed myself to bask in the warmth of his memory, grateful for the unexpected kindness that had brought us together. And as sleep finally claimed me, I whispered a silent prayer into the darkness, hoping that tomorrow would bring with it the courage to follow my heart wherever it might lead.

Chapter eighteen


As I walked to and fro in my study, I tried but found it impossible to get my mind off Elizabeth. Yesterday, I had been so excited to spend some time with her, but now that I thought about it, we barely had time together.

We were either talking with some clients individually or together.

Well, of course, what had I been thinking? It was a party, and we were there to interact with other people and not ourselves.

Sighing, I couldn’t help but wonder what she was doing. My body, my heart, all of me longed to be with her again. However, I desired a private moment, just the two of us, away from people with negative vibes like Jecintha. I wanted to be with just Elizabeth, just like the other day when she came over to my place.

As I pondered how to make that happen soon, an idea suddenly popped into my head, getting me excited almost immediately.

I picked up my phone and dialed Anthony immediately. Thank goodness he picked up on the first ring.

“Good morning, boss,” he greeted.

“Morning to you, too. Umm, I was hoping to ask, is my private beach still in good condition?”

“Yes, sir, we ensure maintenance on a monthly basis.”

“Now, that’s perfect! I would like for you to arrange for some people to set up . . .” I carried on with the details of what I wanted, trusting that Anthony was going to implement it as I envisioned. Once everything was arranged, I immediately made a call to Elizabeth.

“Hey! What’s up?” she said.

“Nothing. What are your plans for today?” I asked a little bit impatiently.

“Well, nothing much, just planning to sleep all day. Why? Do we have another party to attend?”

I let out a soft laugh at the tone in which she spoke. “Well, not a party, but I want us to go somewhere.”

“Oh, okay, where is it this time?”

“Don’t worry—all I need is for you to be present. Dress in your casuals, and I’ll come pick you up by five p.m.”

“That’s earlier than usual.”

“Well, I’ll see you by five.” I laughed as I ended the call. Excitement bubbled inside me as I continued with the remaining tasks on my to-do list while eagerly waiting until it was time to go pick Elizabeth up.