“Are you sure?”
“Yes, Lydia! And that’s that on that topic,” I said, slightly losing my patience.
“Okay! I’m sorry! You just looked different and happy. To be honest, it feels good to see you this way. And if there are feelings beginning to spring forth for Liz, it’s not a problem, Will. I hope you know that.”
“You don’t have to worry about that because there are no feelings here,” I said firmly, closing the topic on that note.
Talking about feelings and emotions was starting to make me uncomfortable. I just wished she never even brought it up to start with. I knew myself, and I was certain there was nothing of that kind.
Yes, I felt at ease with her. Yes, I was at peace whenever I was with her, but it was yet to transcend to such kinds of feelings Lydia spoke about.
“Anyway, I will do well to glam her up well, okay?”
“Thanks,” I said as I looked away from Lydia and out to my view.
Feelings? No way!
With my car parked downstairs, as usual, I awaited Elizabeth’s arrival. The moment I saw her walking out the door, all other thoughts paused as I stopped to admire the woman approaching me.
She looked so beautiful, even more beautiful than the other days.
“Hey, you set? Sorry, I took a bit of time,” Elizabeth spoke, but none of the words seemed to bring me out of the stare. My gaze remained fixed on her as she entered my car.
“Umm, no, not at all,” I said in response, finally bringing myself to speak.
“All right then, let’s go.”
“Oh, of course, yes,” I said as I looked at her again before starting the ignition.
The ride to the venue was mostly silent, as I found it difficult to take my eyes off her. Each time I looked at her, it felt fresh, as though I was seeing her for the first time.
That was how beautiful she looked.
I’m not exaggerating when I say she left me speechless, with my hands sweating on the steering and my heart slightly racing faster than usual.
We arrived at the venue in no time, and as usual, we interlocked hands as I led her inside. There were no words to describe the feeling of our hands interlocked; all I knew was that I never wanted to let go.
“Can I get you something to drink?” I asked the moment we were comfortably settled.
“Well, anything but alcohol is fine. I’m not in the mood for a glass of wine today.”
“Same here,” I said, chuckling slightly as I went to get us drinks.
Upon returning, I noticed she had already found company, or perhaps it had found her, as a group of women I recognized had gathered around her. Hopefully, they were just catching up and getting to know her and nothing more.
“Hello, ladies,” I said as I approached them.
“Oh, just the man we were waiting for! How are you doing, Will?” Jecintha, one of the ladies, said as she flirtatiously looked at me through her lashes.
I quickly glanced at Elizabeth, relieved to see that she had not noticed what had just happened.
“I’m great, thank you,” I said before handing over the glass to Elizabeth.
“I need to go to the restroom. I’ll be back in a jiffy,” Elizabeth whispered in my ear as she took the glass and placed it on the nearest table before walking away.
Watching her walk with confidence made me proud. She was definitely getting used to these gatherings, unlike before, when she found it hard to blend in.