“Sure,” Will replied coldly, and it was at that moment I wondered if I did something wrong.
“Did I do something wrong?” I asked, but he didn’t even turn to look at me. I sighed and turned my gaze forward.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t intend for that to sound the way it did. Umm . . .” He paused again, causing me to wonder what could have happened. “I’m sorry for being . . . umm . . . a jerk at times. I know you find me arrogant, proud, and egotistical, and for that, I’m sorry.”
To be honest, I did not see that coming. “Why the sudden apology?” I asked because I was surprised; I needed him to communicate what the issue was rather than be silent about it.
“I got the contract.”
“What? That is good news! Oh my god! Congratulations, Will!” To think that I was worried I had ruined things. “But why the mood you are in?”
“I . . . umm . . . I would like to say a huge thank you!”
“For being here tonight and for helping me. You’re the reason why I got the contract.”
“Me? How is that even possible? All I did was talk with him, nothing more.”
“Exactly, Liz! Your talking is what got us the contract!”
“Yes! And I owe you one big time!”
“Oh, wow.” I placed my hands on my chest as I felt them racing so fast. I honestly never thought conversing with him was the key.
I did it because I enjoyed his company.
“I’m glad I was of help then. Now I feel like I have done something good to you in return for the loan you gave my business,” I said as I locked eyes with him briefly.
There was a lingering look in his eyes, one I didn’t want to interpret.
“You don’t have to. I’m glad I did. Thank you once again for tonight,” Will said genuinely, and I could feel the genuineness behind his statement.
As our eyes met and locked for a moment, the atmosphere inside the car seemed to intensify, the heat becoming even more palpable than before—even with the air conditioning on.
It wasn’t until I felt the heat in my cheeks and neck that I broke the gaze.
With my heart racing and my thoughts trying to process what just happened, I picked up my bag with the hopes of leaving the car soon.
“Speaking of . . . umm . . . your business, we should talk about it soon. Probably schedule a meeting, and we can get to put some strategies in place if you’re in for it.”
“Of course I am! Thank you,” I said gratefully yet anxiously, still not over the moment we just had.
“Where and when would you like us to meet?”
“How is tomorrow at six p.m.?”
“That’s perfect! It’s not like I have much to do. So how about meeting at a restaurant?” I suggested.
“No, that will be too crowded. We could do my place.”
“Your place?” I asked to confirm that I heard right.
“Yes, my place. Any problem?”
“Oh no, not at all. I would be there,” I said, even though the thought of being at Will’s place with him made me feel some kind of way inside.