I had ordered a ring for Elizabeth to wear. It only made sense that she had an engagement ring if she was engaged to me.

“I would do that right away, sir. Please excuse me, sir.”

I let out a sigh as I sent a text message to Elizabeth, giving her updates as regards our plans for the night: Prepare yourself. We have our first event together tonight.

I sent the message as I picked up the document in front of me. It was a document that outlined all the details I needed to know about Elizabeth and the fabricated made-up story of how we met and how long we had been dating. It contained basic information that we needed to be in sync with to avoid blowing our cover.

It wasn’t that complex, really. I had known Elizabeth for the longest time, and even though I never paid much attention to her, one could not ignore her presence either.

She and Lydia were always so loud and annoying whenever she came over. Speaking of Lydia, I needed her to help Elizabeth pick out a designer dress. I could not have my fiancée looking like some random lady I picked up from the road. I sent Lydia a message immediately, just before Elizabeth’s response.


Okay? Just okay?

I let out a sigh; Elizabeth sure knew how to rile me up. But I wasn’t going to give in to her tactics.

Be ready by 7:00 p.m. I would come to pick you up, I responded to the message before putting my phone away. I needed to get some work done for the day before heading out for a night of networking.


Putting on my wristwatch, I checked myself out in the mirror, satisfied with how I looked, before walking out of my room.

Using the elevator, I went straight to the parking lot and, in less than a few minutes, had my car set and ready to go.

The ride over to Elizabeth’s place was quick and smooth. I was glad to know she wasn’t living so far off from my place—for easy access, I guess. In the long run, she might have to move in with Lydia to avoid reporters harassing her home.

In no time, I reached her place and immediately sent her a message indicating I was waiting for her.

Good thing Elizabeth was a punctual person. In less than five minutes, she had reached the exit of her apartment building.

I watched her as she approached me in her red mid-length sequin gown. The dress perfectly hugged her curves and highlighted her beautiful figure. For a second, I lost my mind before coming back to my senses.

I immediately got out of the car and proceeded to open the door for her.

Well, that was before I asked myself what was wrong with me. Why was my body reacting the way it was, as though I hadn’t seen a woman this beautiful? I had met women even more beautiful than Elizabeth, and I didn’t feel anything. Pushing behind my thoughts, I instantly came into reality the moment I heard her voice.

“Sorry if I kept you waiting,” Elizabeth said shyly and softly.

“Not at all. You were right on time. But if you had taken a little bit longer, I might have left without you,” I replied, starting the ignition and pulling out of the parking space.

I looked at her briefly and saw she wasn’t amused by my attempt to crack a joke.

Oh well, who cares? It’s not my fault she has a poor sense of humor.

“I see Lydia did you well. Now you look like someone who is my fiancée.”

“So I didn’t look like your fiancée the day I came into your office?” Elizabeth responded almost immediately.

“Well, not so much.”

“Yet you introduced me as one. I wonder why.”

I remained silent as I watched her look out of the window, sending a message that she was done with the conversation.

“Look, tonight is important for me, okay? Can we just pretend I didn’t say a thing?”

“As you wish, my Lord.”