“Of course, I’ll talk to you later.”

On that note, I ended the call, putting my phone down as I looked out of the window. I couldn’t help but wonder how many more deals I could close if news of my being engaged got out.

Don’t get ahead of yourself yet, Will, I heard my subconscious whisper to me.

Truly, it was too early to get ahead of myself when Elizabeth hadn’t even agreed. No matter what it took, I was going to ensure she did. She was my solution at the moment and the only solution I wanted.

Chapter nine


Putting together the snacks I had gotten on my way home into a bowl, I picked out a movie for us to watch, and right at that moment, I heard the bell ring, indicating that Lydia had arrived.

I rushed over to the door to let Lydia in. Don’t blame my excitement; it had been a while since we had one of our nights together, and considering the kind of day I’d had with her brother, I sure needed this night more than ever.

“Come on in!”

“I was going to break in if I didn’t get any response in the next minute,” Lydia teased as she walked in, carrying a bag of snacks, I presumed.

Of course, Lydia would show up with the expensive snacks. I had told her not to worry about bringing anything, but I knew she was never going to listen.

“I thought we agreed you won’t buy anything.”

“Girl, these chocolates and cookies are to die for! You just have to have them.”

“All right, if you say so,” I said, accepting what she said. There was no point arguing over chocolates. They were here already.

“So, what are we watching?”

“I felt we could do a rerun of Pretty Little Liars. What do you think?”

“Sounds okay with me.”

On that note, we set out Lydia’s snacks on a tray before settling into the warm padded nest I had made in the center of my living room.

“So before we start the movie, how did it go at Will’s place?” Lydia asked, steering the conversation toward Will.

“Oh, I was getting to that! Your brother, oh my god, he is so infuriating! I’m sorry. I know he is your brother, but I just have to be honest—he has to be the most annoying person I have ever met. How are you even related again?”

“I ask myself the same question all the time, but tell me what happened? I thought you were there for the loan. How come you got to meet him?” Lydia asked, curious as to how she got into his office in the first place—of course, while still feigning ignorance and hiding the fact that Will had called her.

“Well, I might have missed directions and ended up in the wrong office. It just so happens it was his office, and you would not even believe what he did the moment I got in.”


“He introduced me as his fiancée! Can you imagine? His fiancée! To a client, in order to seal a deal they were working on.”

“Well? What did you do?”

“Of course, I remained mute. I didn’t want to ruin his chances at sealing a contract, but that’s not even the problem. The issue is he asked me to be in a fake relationship—or rather a fake marriage—with him.”

“What was his offer?” Lydia asked.

“His offer was . . . hold on, wait a second . . .” I paused in my story as I realized something wasn’t right. “How come you aren’t surprised at Will asking me to marry him for pretense?”

Lydia let out an awkward cough, realizing she had just blown cover. “Well, he sorta might have called me and told me about the situation you both had.”

“I have no words.” I shook my head, not even the least surprised. I mean, they were siblings, after all. No matter how much siblings annoy each other, one can never separate the bond they share.