“Oh, come on, son! Me want to know the truth.”

I let out a sigh as I tried to remain calm and maintain my temper. To be honest, the man in front of me at the moment was starting to piss me off and even worse with his broken English.

How else was I supposed to respond to him? I had already released a counter article stating that I was only interested in ladies but not seeking a relationship. However, as expected, the article had taken a different turn, with people labeling me as bisexual.

Clearly, anything I said was not going to change what they believed, so what then was the point of trying to prove myself?

“I believe I already released an official statement clarifying all misconceptions about my sexual preference, sir. I would suggest that you read through it after our meeting. But for the record, sir, I love my women.”

“I see, hmm . . .”

I looked at his face and noticed he still wasn’t convinced. That’s why I didn’t feel the need to explain myself in the first place. Men like him already had their conclusions formed in their heads, and all he wanted was for me to confirm it to validate their made-up realities.

“I see that you still are not convinced.”

“It’s not that—” In the middle of his sentence, we suddenly heard a knock on the door.

Looking toward the direction of the door, I assumed it was Anthony knocking. “Yes, come in,” I said as I gathered the littered documents on my desk. When I raised my head, I was met with the last person I ever would have imagined to be in my office: Elizabeth.

What is she doing here? Wait! Hold on. Will, here is an opportunity.

I looked at my client and immediately wore a smile on my face. I noticed he was confused about who Elizabeth was. Grabbing the opportunity, I stood up from my seat.

“Sorry, excuse me, sir. Just a minute.”

With a smile on my face, I walked toward Elizabeth, who looked confused as to what she was doing in my office.

“Hi, honey! Took you a while to get here.”


I immediately pulled her into a hug and whispered into her ear, “Just play along.” Then I spoke aloud, “I missed you.”

Holding her by the arm, I walked with her back to my desk, hoping she would at least take off the confused expression she had on her face.

“Sorry, sir, but I would like you to meet my fiancée. We are engaged to be married soon.”

“Oh, really? Wow, this good news!” he exclaimed. In less than a minute, I saw the man’s facial expression change to a more welcoming one.

Now, that’s what I’m talking about.

“I sorry for take much of your time. What else we wait for? Let’s finish deal and seal it!” my Chinese client said in a hurry as he began to flip the pages of the document.

“Now you’re talking.” I laughed as I detached from Elizabeth, walking over to my seat to put him through on where to sign. In less than a minute, we sealed the contract.

“Congratulations once again! Wow, good one!”

“Thank you, sir.”

He then rose from his seat and turned to face Elizabeth. “Congratulations, ma’am. Looking forward to seeing you soon.”

Elizabeth responded with a “thank you” and wore a forced smile on her face.

“Let me escort you,” I said as I walked out of my desk to escort him.

“I must say you have gorgeous woman. You no let her go.”

I smiled politely as the man whispered in my ear just before walking out of the room.