“Well, does anyone want to go first?” I asked, getting impatient.
“Umm, yes . . . yes, sir.”
“Well, go on.”
I watched the man on my right look at everyone else before proceeding to speak.
“Not to insult you, sir, or question your preferences, but there are diverse rumors flying around about . . .”
“About?” I asked, feigning ignorance.
“About your . . . umm . . . sexual preferences, sir, and we respect your choices. However, we are concerned about the reputation of the company, sir.”
“I see. Is that all?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Great.” I wore a smile on my face, considering how to address them. “I assure you that all of the misconceptions will be cleared up soon, and the reputation of the company is in no way at stake. My legal and social media teams are working tirelessly to pursue legal actions against those who have publicly defamed me. Are we okay now?”
“Yes, sir,” they all said.
Then, one of the women seated at the far end of the board table commented, “But if you don’t mind, sir, I would suggest you release an official statement just to clarify things for the public.”
I smiled. “All right, I’ll consider it. Can we then proceed to the agenda of the meeting now?”
“Yes, sir, we can.”
I rolled my eyes internally at their attitude.
Each of them proved to be inconsistent as the weather, willing to stay when things were good but quick to turn their backs when things didn’t work out in their favor. Some might say I was being harsh, but it was the reality.
They say experience is the best teacher, and indeed, it is the best one there is. After the experiences I’ve had in past relationships, both business and personal, I’ve learned never to trust people—never to let them in and never to rely on men.
Human beings are frail and undependable, each out for what they can get to please their selfish desires. I remember the last relationship I had gotten myself into; it was the worst mistake of my life, by the way.
I’m sure at the end of my story, you’ll get to understand why I’m keen on never getting myself involved with a woman ever again. They are all the same! All of them!
My mother was like that; she married my father solely for his money and nothing more. Sometimes, I questioned why I referred to her as my mother because, to be honest, she did not deserve the title of a mother.
A woman who abandons her children can’t be regarded as a mother.
I never really understood why my father tolerated her behavior, but in the end, I suppose he came to his senses, just as I did in my relationship with Elena.
They say love is beautiful. Well, it felt that way in the beginning. It was “beautiful”—in quotes because, ultimately, I saw the truth. She was the first woman I ever let into my heart, and she did a good job of ruining the little hope I had left for love.
Now, I’ve reached a point where I see it’s all a facade. Love, the emotions, the joy, and happiness people claim to have—it’s all a facade.
Love entails pain, sacrifice, and compromise. How can that possibly be the best feeling ever, as people claim it to be?
The only true source of happiness, as far as I’m concerned, comes with wealth and power. Nothing more, nothing less. Both of which I have in abundance.
Pushing away my thoughts, I tried to listen to the point made by one of the board members regarding our new branch. With all hands on deck, the new branch could be the biggest cooperation building in the entire city.
Now imagine the kind of happiness and wealth that would bring. Nothing of its sort can be matched with some feeble feeling of love.
Chapter five