The moment she threw the question to me, it dawned on me that I never actually sought to know why. But to be fair, all I had been focused on was figuring out how to win her back.
“No, I didn’t,” I said as I kept silent, expecting she was going to continue her statement. “Well?” I added to remind her that I was waiting for her.
“Will, she came to tell you she had feelings for you as well. She was willing to take things further in the relationship if that’s what you wanted. I encouraged her to come talk to you about the kiss and how she felt for you. That is why she was at your place.”
As I heard the words that Lydia spoke, I felt my insides turning in disbelief. “Are you telling me that Elizabeth feels the same way about me?”
“Well, I can’t tell anymore if she still feels the same way, but I know that’s why she went over to yours that evening.”
As Lydia spoke, I zoned out of the conversation, with only a few words repeating themselves in my head.
Elizabeth has feelings for me? She has feelings for me? She liked me too, just like I did?
Now I understood better why she was so hurt. Imagine going over to confess your feelings to someone you like, only to find them with someone else. I swallowed hard, realizing the intensity of the pain I had caused her. But at the same time, I felt a slight sense of joy in knowing that she liked me, too. It was not just one-sided. That had also been a fear of mine—that my feelings would be unrequited, but they weren’t. For the first time in a long while, it felt good to know that someone else had feelings for me.
Hearing Lydia shout through the phone reminded me that I was still on the phone with her.
“Yes? I’m sorry. Sorry, I zoned out a bit.”
“I see.”
“Look, I know what to do now, okay? Just . . . umm . . . wish me luck, okay?”
“What do you plan on doing?”
“What I should have done earlier,” I said as I stood up from my seat, shutting down my laptop.
“Okay then, good luck!”
“Thank you,” I responded as I ended the call, preparing to pack up my desk, only to be interrupted by a knock on my door.
“Yes, come in,” I said without looking up to see who it was.
“Are you going somewhere, sir?”
I looked up to meet Anthony’s inquisitive eyes as he watched me close up the documents on my desk and pack up my MacBook and a few other items.
“Well, yes, I have somewhere to be.”
“Oh, you mean like our meeting with the Chinese client? We won’t need all of that, sir, for the meeting.”
“No, not an official appointment. More like a personal appointment.”
“Personal, sir? But we have a meeting scheduled in the next twenty minutes. I came here to prepare you ahead for it, sir.”
“Well, you’re going to have to cancel it, Anthony. I have more pressing matters on my neck.”
“No offense, sir, but these are the Chinese clients we have been trying to close for the past three months, and they are well on their way, sir.”
Frustrated and tired of repeating myself over and over again, I looked up. As I observed him, I realized that all he displayed was genuine concern. It wouldn’t be fair for me to discard three months of hard work for personal reasons.
“Fine, but we will make the meeting brief and get straight to the point. Once we are able to finalize, I leave.”
“That’s a good enough deal, sir. Thank you very much.”
I put my bag down, letting out an impatient sigh.