“Okay, Liz, I want you to be honest with yourself.”

“Okay, what is it?”

“Do you have feelings for him? For Will?”

“I don’t know, Lydia. That’s why I called you here,” I said, pouring out my concerns. “I don’t know what I feel, Lydia. I don’t know how I feel. Today, I think I like him. Tomorrow, I’m not sure. And then with him confessing how he felt and kissing me, then apologizing after? It’s all confusing, Lydia. I mean, he didn’t even give me a chance to express how I felt.”

“Well, how do you feel?” Lydia threw the question back at me, and at that moment, I thought about it.

“I think I like him too, Lydia. I think I do. I’m just worried.”

“Worried about what?”

“I don’t know. Our differences? We’re on totally different levels, Lydia. I mean, he is all the way there, and I’m all the way here. I don’t even know if what I feel is long-term, and that worries me as well. I don’t want to get myself involved in a two-month relationship only to deal with heartbreak down the line, Lydia. I don’t want that.” I poured out how I truly felt, admitting my feelings to myself and to Lydia.

“I understand your concerns, Liz, but how about you talk to him about it? Honestly, I think the best thing to do is talk to him about it. You both should sit and have a mature conversation as regards your feelings and what is going to happen moving forward because, obviously, this is going to change what you guys currently have.”

“I know, and that scares me too. I think I’m okay staying like this rather than getting into something I have no idea how it’s going to end.”

Lydia sighed as she looked at me. “Liz, to be honest, all you’ve been talking about is the ending of a relationship that hasn’t even started. You can’t go into a relationship thinking about it ending—it would never work out.”

I allowed her words to sink in, knowing she had a very valid point.

“You need to admit the feelings you have for him and talk to him about it. Stop worrying about it not working out, and just enjoy the moment.”

“I don’t know, Lydia. That would change everything we have planned.”

“What’s the harm in giving it a try?”

“I’ll think about it, Lydia. I don’t know.”

“All right, I would give you time to think about it, but just know that I’m in full support of whatever decision you decide to make.”

“Thank you so much!” I said as I pulled her into a warm hug, grateful for the gift of a friend like Lydia.

I knew Lydia was the perfect person to help me sort through this jumble of thoughts in my head. I was going to take more time to think about my feelings and what I wanted. But in the meantime, I was determined to enjoy my time with my best friend.

“All right, enough of the soft emotions. Can we eat? I’m starving! And please, let’s watch some action and comic movies tonight!”

“Same thing I had in mind,” I said as I stood up to serve Lydia and me a plate of food from the leftovers at the beach house, alongside snacks for the movie.

As we ate and watched the movie, I felt more at ease than ever, trusting that everything was going to turn out well in the end.

Chapter twenty


“Excuse me, sir? Excuse me, sir? Mr. Will!”

“Yes! Yes! What is it?” I said out loud as I jumped out of my head space to respond to Anthony, who was standing beside me.

“I have been calling your attention to your phone ringing, sir.”

“My phone ring—” I paused in my statement as the sound of my phone’s ringtone made me realize my phone was indeed ringing.

“I’m sorry, thank you,” I said to Anthony as I picked up the call from one of my suppliers.

He called to provide rough feedback on our last discussion, and once the call ended, I pocketed my phone and headed straight to the elevator to go to my office.