As Will drove in silence, I could only bring myself to look out of the window, as I couldn’t get my head out of that moment back at the beach.

I had heard right, right? He said he liked me, right? He said he had feelings for me, right? Or was I dreaming?

I pinched myself slightly, and the pain was enough for me to know that it wasn’t a dream.

Will had expressed his feelings for me. But was it sudden, or had there been signs that I missed?

Of course, I noticed the change in his attitude since his client’s place. The compliments, the text messages, the way he looked at me, the way he cared for me—everything. But I had thought it was all part of the charade of us being engaged.

But tonight, it was just us, with nobody around—not even a single staff member. Nevertheless, he had said those words out of the spur of the moment.

He likes me? I felt my heart flutter merely at the thought.

Of course I was excited. I mean, why wouldn’t I?

But then again, what did this mean for us? Were we going to begin dating for real? The questions lay in my heart as I wondered what was next for us.

It wasn’t until we reached my place that I realized I had not even expressed how I felt in return. But the truth be told, I wasn’t even sure how I felt yet.

Did I really like Will, or was it just a figment of my imagination or what I thought I felt? Could it be because of the attention he gave me? I needed to think things twice and reassess before making a choice and telling him how I felt.

I needed to understand what this meant for us as well. On that note, I felt it was time to call Lydia. This was beyond what I could figure out alone. I needed my best friend now more than ever!

I immediately sent her a text, indicating it was an emergency and asking her to come over. That was all she needed to confirm her plans to sleep over.

Will parked the car the moment we reached my place, and we remained silent for over a few seconds, seated in his car.

Oh no! This is the moment one of us has to speak and break the silence that has lingered since we left the beach. Come one, Elizabeth. Be mature and say something!

“Thank you very much for tonight, Will. I really had a wonderful time out at the beach with you.”

“Same here. I’m glad you came along.”

“Me too. Hopefully, we do that again soon?”

“Of course,” Will replied with a smile. Our gazes locked, and I felt my body starting to react. I knew that was my cue to leave the car.

“All right, good night,” I said.

“Good night!” Will replied almost immediately, and I could see he felt the same way as well.

“Umm, let me walk you to your door. I know the leftovers might be too heavy for you to carry.”

I watched him rush out of the car to help me with the pack of food in my hands.

“Oh no, it’s fine,” I said, but of course, he wasn’t listening as he took them from my hands and walked side by side with me until we reached the door of my flat.

“Here is my place, and I would take it from here. Thank you very much,” I said as I took the bag from him, our hands touching slightly and immediately sending thousands of signals to my brain.

Seeing him, I knew he felt the same way, and I could already feel my inner senses immediately seeking an escape route. But before I could react, Will had already acted. With my eyes wide open, my body froze for a second as I felt his lips on mine.

Wait, wait, wait! His lips on mine? What was happening?

I looked in front of me, and it was his face. Will was kissing me?

Wait! Will was kissing me.

My senses finally came together as I opened my lips to give him access. I could feel my entire body elated as we continued, now with my eyes closed.