Just don’t order anything, Elizabeth! I spoke to myself, giving myself the very much-needed pep talk before proceeding inside.

As I spoke with the receptionist, providing my name and Will’s name for the reservation, her demeanor immediately changed upon hearing his name. In less than a second, she called for a waiter to escort me to his table.

I guess they really were particular about wealth and class.

As we approached his table, I noticed him sitting confidently, engrossed in his phone with an air of elegance, not even caring about his surroundings.

“Here we are, ma’am.”

“Thank you,” I said to the waiter before dismissing him politely.

I stood near the table, hoping that he was going to notice that I was there. But nothing.

Really? Is this the guy I would have to do all this with? It could have been anybody! Anybody but Will!

Taking in a deep breath, I let out a loud cough, enough for him to know I had arrived.

“What? Oh, it’s you.” Will immediately corrected himself the moment he saw who it was. “Glad to have you join me. Please, have a seat.”

“I thought you would never have to ask,” Elizabeth responded, making sure to highlight her displeasure. She wanted him to know she wasn’t pleased to be with him.

“Thank you for agreeing to do this.” I could tell Will was just saying it out of courtesy, but at least he was grateful.

I remained silent as I stylishly looked through the menu to prepare myself ahead in case we were going to have to order something.

“I already informed my finance manager to double the loan offered to your business as a gift rather than a loan. So you don’t have to worry about paying me back. I have also spoken to a few professionals in the fashion industry, and they will be reaching out to you soon to schedule a meeting.”

I paused with the menu as I listened to all Will was saying, impressed at every step.

“Wow, I don’t . . . I don’t know what to say. Thank you,” I said, short of words for how to express my gratitude.

“Of course. So what would you like to eat? Before we go straight into business for tonight.”

I looked at the menu properly now, and I knew it was a no-go area for me.

“Umm, I think I’m fine. Not sure I can even afford anything here,” I whispered the last part to myself, but of course, he heard me.

How embarrassing.

“Oh, don’t worry about that. I’ll take care of the bill,” Will said, raising his hand to signal for a waiter.

I watched as he said a few words to the waiter, placing an order for both of us. I checked the meal he ordered from the menu, and it was the most expensive one listed. In shock, I swallowed the lump that seemed to have formed in my throat.

“You didn’t have to.”

“Of course I do. Their signature meal is the only good thing in this restaurant.”

Of course, he frequents here, I said to myself as I smiled.

This must be what it is like to be a billionaire. Spending a few thousand on a meal is nothing to him. Give me that amount, and my house will be filled with groceries for two months.

“All right, let’s get right to it. I will start with my own rules.”

“Okay.” I was curious to know what his terms were and what he wanted out of this charade we were about to play.

“My rules are simple. One, you are to come with me to every social gathering and public event that requires your attention. That means there is never room for no unless you’re sick, of course, or in a case of emergency. Two, wherever you go, remember your new identity as my fiancée. That means you can’t be found somewhere acting out of line or character. Three, of course, you can’t be seen dating any other person. That would be bad for both of us, but especially you. Four, you can’t tell a single soul that it is all a charade. Have I made myself clear?”

I nodded in affirmation, not like I had anything to counter his requests. Besides, it seemed as though he had already made up his mind on what he wanted.