“You good, daddy?” Briana snuck up behind me and wrapped her hands around my waist. Everything about her oozed sex appeal. It was leaking from her pores. The sight of Bri usually turned me on, but I wasn’t the slightest bit aroused.

“I’m good, just tired from traveling.” I pushed Briana’s hands from around my waist. “Raincheck?”

“Come on, daddy. I miss you. She been thinking about you all day.” Briana dropped to her knees. I had to stop her. If I allowed her to touch my dick, he’d probably wake up, but it just didn’t feel right. Even though I wasn’t sleeping with Briana, it felt like cheating. I couldn’t do it.

“Not tonight, Bri. I just want to rest.” I threw the T-shirt on the ground and stepped around her, leaving her there on her knees. My phone rang, and Monroe’s name flashed across the screen. I allowed it to ring and go straight to voicemail. I’d call her back as soon as I got Briana to leave.

“Who is she?” Briana joined me in my bedroom. “That’s why you are acting strange, right? I see the ring. It’s never been there before.”

I sighed. Briana and I had never been on that type of time, so I didn’t feel a way about telling her about Monroe.

“I got married today.” I came straight out and told her. Briana’s mouth dropped in surprise.

“Married, and you came here to me?”

“It’s complicated, but she is the only woman on my mind right now and probably for the near future.”

Briana stood from the bed and proceeded to get dressed.

“Whoever she is, she’s a lucky girl. I’d fight her about that dick, but I don’t think I stand a chance with you on that level.” Briana laughed, causing me smirk. Nobody stood a chance next to Monroe, and I was glad she was being an adult about the situation. I looked away as Briana dressed. My fingers itched to call Monroe back.

“I wish you and the wife the best. Walk me out?”

I stood from the bed and followed her to the front door, admiring the work I’d done on her ass along the way. I’m good as fuck at what I do.

“If y’all ever on a break, hit me up.” She opened the door and sashayed out.

“Be easy, beautiful,” was all I could offer her as I closed the door behind her. I didn’t waste any time changing the lock code on my door. I didn’t want any more surprise pop ups.

I walked back to my bedroom and called Monroe back as I undressed.

“London. Oh my God, you scared me.”

My heart sank at the thought of Monroe being worried about me. I never wanted her to be worried about anything anymore.

“I’m good, Chocolate. My calls drop in here sometimes.” I lied for probably the first time in my life. I ain’t know if Monroe could handle the truth. Telling the truth would only give her a reason to doubt me and herself. We were in a good place, and I ain’t want to fuck that up.

“Was that before or after you put your little friend out?” She quipped. My eyes bulged, and my chest began to hurt. My first lie, and she caught me.


“I saw her.” She confirmed my thoughts.

“Fuck, Monroe, I can explain…”

“Don’t. This thing between us isn’t real, London. I’m not really your wife. You’re free to fuck who you want.”

“I am fucking who I want, Monroe.”

“No, it’s getting late. Goodnight, Royale.” She hung up.

“Fuck!” I yelled as I dialed her back. She let me go straight to voicemail the first time and then she answered and hung up the second. This thing between us was supposed to be about her freedom and her freedom only, but we’d already blurred the lines. I should have just left it alone, but I knew allowing her to sit in her thoughts would only make shit worse. Opening the security app on my phone, I quickly swiped to my safe house bedroom. Monroe was lying on the bed with her face in her hands. The realization that she was crying fucked me up. Pressing the speaker, I called her name.

“Monroe!” Her head darted up, and her eyes roamed the room. “I’m sorry, Chocolate. I’m sorry. I’m not a liar, but I lied. I ain’t want you to be doing what you doing right now.” I sighed before continuing. “I could say I didn’t know she was gon’ be here, but I did. Bri and I used to have a weekly meet up. With everything going on, I just forget to tell her ass not to show up.”

Monroe looked around the room. Her head rose and fell again. Her mouth opened and closed.

“The apology isn’t needed. We’re not really married, Royale. This is business, right? You can do what you want. I hope you didn’t put her out on the account of me.”