“That nigga behind these doors is my brother. We have been locked in since we were lil pee pee diaper wearing niggas. He asks me for something, anything, I’m pulling up. He asks me to go to war behind a girl he’s feeling, and I walk her down the aisle. We family now, mamas. That’s that!” Meechie confessed, causing butterflies to flutter in my chest.
The love and loyalty he had for London was something I’d always longed for. It was beautiful. There was nothing I could say back that would suffice, so I just nodded. The music began, and I knew that meant the wedding would soon begin. I took a deep breath, and on cue, the doors parted. London came into view at the end of the aisle. My feet began to move, and our eyes locked on each other. The tears that gathered in the rims of his eyes were that of a man marrying the love of his life. I sailed to the aisle. My feet sank into the sand, feeling like I was in a dream, but this was real life—my life. As we neared the end of the aisle, London moved to me, taking me by the hand.
“We supposed to give her to you, nigga, back up.” Meechie chuckled, causing me to giggle.
“I don’t follow directions,” London replied as he gently yanked me away from Meechie and Polo.
“You look gorgeous.” He guided me underneath the beautifully decorated white arch. I looked back at my aisle escorts and thanked them quietly as they took their seats in the audience. It was a small crowd that consisted of Aunt Vanessa, Alyza, Polo, Meechie, and Contessa was propped up in a chair on the video call.
“We are here to unite you two beautiful people in marriage,” the officiant announced, causing me to turn my attention back to London. “Today, the two of you become a little more than you were before. In the eyes of the law, you’ll be husband and wife.”
I stared at London nervously. My body trembled.
“Look to one another and remember what brought you here. Your love, yes, but also all the decisions you have made to keep your relationship growing. Remember that you are both deserving of love and worth the effort that goes into loving each other.”
My eyes bounced from the officiant to London. My heart pounded out of my chest.
“Now turn to each other,” he instructed. London took my hands in his.
“Do you, Monroe Iris and Royale London, desire to be marriage partners?” We shared a giggle as London and I both nodded at the same time. “Do you promise to make every effort to share your love and respect for each other from this day on?”
“I do,” London said without any hesitation.
“I do,” I replied.
“Rings, please,” he requested. Polo handed the officiant the rings. “Who wants to go first?”
“I will,” I responded. He handed me the ring Alyza had helped me pick out at a small jewelry store in the market. I spent the last money I’d had on it, and it was worth it. The look of surprise on his face as I slid the ring onto his finger was priceless.
“As you place the ring on Royale’s finger, please repeat after me,” the officiant instructed.
“I, Monroe, take you, Royale, to be my husband. I want us to create our life together with honesty and compassion, from this day forward.”
I repeated each word. My heart beat fast as I slid the ring completely on his finger. London mouthed thank you as the officiant handed him my ring and began reciting his vows. The moment London opened his hand and revealed the beautiful, diamond studded band I nearly fainted. I wasn’t expecting something this fancy. He had already gone all out on the ring. My eyes filled and tears that had been pooling finally released. London grabbed my left hand and slid the ring on my finger.
“I, Royale, take you to be my wife. I want us to create our life together with honesty and compassion, from this day forward.”
My heart beat so heavily as he recited his wows to me that I was sure London could hear it. I looked into his eyes, feeling the strength and support that he provided radiate through me.
“It is my pleasure to pronounce you man and wife. You're officially married and may seal your union with a kiss.”
London wasted no time pulling me close and planting his lips onto mine. Cheers and claps rang out, but we were in our own little world. As our tongues swirled, I found it harder and harder to accept this marriage was to be only on paper. It felt as if I had just married the love of my life.
“Ijust made it home, Chocolate,” I informed Monroe as I pressed the key fob up against my door. I’d been on the phone with her since I’d left Havana. After we tied the knot and mingled with family, I hopped on the private jet. I had to be in the office in a couple of hours. Monroe was hesitant about staying in Cuba alone, but it was the only way I could ensure she was safe. I needed to keep Monroe hidden until after I met with her father and our union was legalized. I couldn’t risk Kashus or Jacob snatching her up and forcing her back into her old life. That shit was over and done with.
“Connect the video; I want to see your home.” Monroe yawned into the phone. I swiped the screen to answer the call. Her beautiful bare face came into view. She was lying in the bed, teetering the lines of sleep and awake.
“This is my living room.” I turned the screen so she could see as I moved through the house.
“Nice.” She smiled. I put my things down on the kitchen table and ventured further down the long hallway to my bedroom, showing Monroe a few things along the way. Today had been eventful, and the only thing I wanted to do was crash on my bed and talk to Monroe until sleep found me. Something was happening between us, and I was losing the war of trying to stop it. Entering my bedroom, I froze in my tracks as Briana’s naked ass sprawled across my bed spread eagle came into view.
“Fuck!” I grunted, moving quickly to turn the camera. Even if our marriage was fake, I ain’t want Monroe seeing a naked woman with her legs gapped wide open on my bed. I owed her more respect than that. Swiping at the screen, I disconnected the call. I could explain that later. Briana’s naked ass lying in my bed not so much. I sighed as I wiped my hands across my face. Briana being here for our weekly appointment had completely slipped my mind. Shit, the only things on my mind were work and Monroe.
“Hey, daddy!” Briana giggled seductively. My head shook in disbelief. Usually, this was just what I needed after a long day of work, but today wasn’t a long day of work. Today was the day I’d gotten married. The only woman’s pussy I wanted to see was Monroe’s. I cut my eyes away from Briana, trying to find the words to let her down nicely.
“Aye, Bri, this not a good time,” I said as I walked past her into my closet. I needed to find some clothes for her so I could send her on her way and call my wife back.