“Royale or Ro will suffice.” He removed his arms from around me.
“I’m not calling you either.” I exhaled. “Besides, I like Dr. London.” I walked away from him, being sure to put an extra switch in my hips.
“Is that right?” He followed me. I could hear the amusement and lust in his voice.
“Yeah, didn’t you say this was business? Securing my freedom. I’m gon’ keep it profe—” My words were halted by Dr. London’s arms wrapping around my waist.
“You like playing with fire, huh? Just because I’m not trying to make this about sex, Monroe, doesn’t mean I won’t pick your thick ass up and push this dick all in yo’ stomach.” His strong arms tightened around my waist. I could feel his pelvis pressing against my ass. “I don’t plan on going anywhere near professional with you again.” He let go of my body, and it took me a minute to gather myself.
“Noted, London.” I exaggerated his last name purposefully, leaving off the title. He didn’t say anything at first just stared at me.
“I can accept that. Let's go eat. You ready?”
I nodded. The way I would follow this man to the ends of the earth was crazy, and I probably needed to be evaluated for it, but something about Royale London just made me feel safe. The safest I’d ever been in my life.
“Where to?” I sang, throwing my arm out from him to grab onto. Without hesitation, he grabbed my hand and led me out of the back door of the villa. The beauty of my surroundings engulfed me as we headed down a paved pathway. Cuba was beautiful last night when we arrived, but this morning it was breathtaking. I’d been to many islands before, but something about this one was speaking to me.
“This place is gorgeous,” I boasted as we walked along the beach.
“It is. I like this area. It’s not flooded with tourists. Everyone here is a local.” He pointed to the houses nearby. I nodded, taking it all in. The landing was lined with villas identical to his.
“This is the quickest path into the market. There’s a ton of shops and restaurants there.” He led me up a flight of stairs. As we climbed, the sounds of bongos and maracas filled the air. This must have been the market London was telling me about. It was so lively and full of people of all skin tones.
“This is where we’ll be having breakfast. I may be biased, but this is the best restaurant in all of Havana,” London quipped as a beautiful oceanside café came into view. The smell of bacon sailed to my nose as we entered. Before we could get through the door a brown skinned, short woman came running toward us.
“Royale! I didn’t know you were dropping by. Ma is going to be happy to see you.” She pulled him into a hug, causing me to narrow my eyes at the interaction.
“It was kind of spontaneous. I’m just showing my lady friend around. Monroe, this is my cousin Alyza.” He pointed between the two of us. “Lyza, this is my lady friend Monroe.”
His introduction caught me off guard. Lady friend!
“Your lady friend?” She eyed him suspiciously. “You’ve never brought a woman around us before. You must be as special as you are beautiful.” Alyza turned to me.
“Nice to meet you.” I extended my hand to give her a handshake but was met with her arms around my torso.
“I’m a hugger,” Alyza mumbled in my ear before letting me go. “Ma met her yet?” She directed her attention back to London.
“No, go get her,” London ordered as we walked through the restaurant and onto the patio.
“Ma as in your mother?” I questioned as we took our seats in a small booth that overlooked the ocean.
“No, as in Alyza’s mother. My great aunt on my father’s side. She owns this place,” he stated nonchalantly, as if meeting his great aunt wasn’t a big deal. My body was stuck as nerves took over me. The look of fear was probably written all over my face.
“Don’t worry; she’s the sweetest.” He assured me. My leg bounced with anticipation as I stared at the menu in front of me.
“Are you close to her?” I was trying to wrap my head around how important this meeting was.
“Very. She raised my father after her sister passed away. She even raised me when my parents were young and in the streets. When my mother overdosed…” His voice cracked before continuing. “She’s more of a grandmother than an au—”
“My favorite nephew!” A curvy brown skinned woman appeared at our table. My eyes ran over her. She didn’t look old enough to be someone’s mother, let alone a great-aunt.
“Aunt Vanessa!” London stood to greet her.
“Nephew!” She kissed him on the cheek. “Who is this chocolate bombshell?” She turned to face me. London introduced us, and just like her daughter, she pulled me into a hug.
“Royale doesn’t bring women around. I almost broke my neck getting out of here to see who had gotten my baby sprung.” The booth filled with light laughter as she slid next to me, taking the menu out of my hand.
“No menu needed. I’m going to prepare everything we got for you. This is a celebration.” She was loud and animated, and I couldn’t help but giggle. My eyes bounced between London and his aunt. I was honored that I’d been the first woman he had brought around them, but the gravity of what that meant was forcing me to ruin the moment.