“You want to feel like you,” Cane said into his neck.
“Yes,” Hart whispered.
Cane nodded, coaxing them off the bed and lifting Hart slightly even through his protests about his ribs. He let Hart slide down his body until his feet were firmly on the floor, gazing down at him with undeniable happiness and acceptance.
It was hard to look at directly, still unfamiliar and heart fluttering, but at the same time Hart didn’t want to look anywhere else. Which was why he made a noise of protest when Cane gripped his shoulders and turned him around until he was facing his wardrobe.
“Go make yourself look hot, sweetheart,” Cane said into his ear, giving his ass a slap that sent Hart stumbling forward.
He sent an indignant look over his shoulder, but it held no heat because he found Cane looking after him like he was his most precious thing.
He turned back around and rushed toward Cane, pecking his lips quickly once more, feeling the press of metal against his face before he dashed away to get dressed, Cane’s amused chuckle echoing behind him.
He picked a simple combination of beige trousers and a dark brown shirt, throwing a casual beige blazer over it. It was understated and without his usual flair, but still very Hart in its simple elegance.
He smoothed the clothes over his body, fixing his hair as he made his way back. Cane was sitting on the foot of the bed, leaning back on his hands.
His eyes focused on him as soon as he spotted him, roaming over him like he was wearing nothing at all. One part appreciative and five parts desire.
“You look much better in your clothes than you do in mine,” Cane murmured.
Hart flushed and bit his lip, feeling pleased beyond words. He walked himself between Cane’s lazily splayed legs, planting himself in his arms again. Cane’s eyes darkened, as if waiting for Hart’s next move. “I—”
“I’M ABOUT TO EXPIRE!” Black interrupted him, delivering another series of bangs to his door. “It’s taking you forever!”
Cane groaned, his head falling backward on his shoulders. Hart felt the loss immediately and glared at the door. He might not want to string Black up by his curls anymore, but he was certainly going to give him some choice words!
He walked to the door, removing the armchair before throwing it open and looking down at the annoying little blond in front of him.
“It’s rude to bang on someone’s door,” he said evenly. “Patience is a virtue, Black. Our patience will achieve more than our force.”
Black blinked up at him for a second before screeching in glee and launching into a lap of the hallway. “He’s back to normal! He just gave me a lecture! I got one before you losers! Hashtag scolded!”
“Hey! No fair!” Ash called up the stairs, footsteps pounding.
Hart shook his head, feeling a little curl of warmth in his chest. He looked over his shoulder to see Cane still sitting and watching him, but there was an unreadable look in his eyes now.
“Ready?” Hart asked.
“Me?” Cane asked, raising a pierced brow. “I can wait for you here.”
Hart frowned. “Why would you…?”
“I didn’t know if you wanted them to know,” Cane said, gesturing at the space between the two of them.
The words gutted Hart momentarily. Cane was offering him an out. A way to keep up appearances. A way to have him and still pretend he meant nothing. His fingers shook. Bile rose in his throat and he closed the distance between them in a few short steps, not caring that the door was open. Not caring that Ash and Black were bickering within earshot.
“No,” Hart said, grabbing Cane’s shirt. “I need them to know. Because you help me function. You keep me going. You’re what keeps me sane and makes me happy and they need to know that you’re a permanent part of my life. A necessity. I want you there with me. I’m not hiding you or me anymore.”
Cane watched him for a moment, before swooping up and kissing him. The kiss left Hart’s lips tingling and erased some of the anxiety.
“Come on, sweetheart,” Cane said, getting to his feet and taking him by the hand. Hart intertwined their fingers, a little in awe at the foreign feeling. Another first for them. “Let’s do this then.”
Black and Ash had taken the fighting elsewhere by then, the assurance that Hart was emerging from his cocoon enough to send them scattering to find everyone else, no doubt.
Cane led him down the stairs, moving slower than he usually did. Hart realized he was trying to buy him time before he had to face his brothers. He was instantly emboldened by the gesture, squeezing Cane’s hand and lengthening his stride to be closer to him.
They passed through the familiar halls, ones that hadn’t fallen down without Hart there to hold them up, following the sounds of chatter toward the living room.