Page 27 of Ice

“I appreciate that you didn’t use Gianna to coerce my agreement, Ice,” he interrupted, throwing me off balance.

“You’re welcome,” I replied gruffly. “If it were me—”

“Exactly my point. If it were me. Even though you didn’t use Gianna as a tactic, my mind still went there. And honestly, amico, as hard as it would be to step back from the situation, I would do it if it was what was best for my wife. Can you honestly tell me that removing yourself from the threat of suspicion isn’t what is best for your woman?”

“Fucking hell,” I muttered. He was right, but I was loath to admit it. “I don’t know how Fox puts up with you.”

“Trust me, he can be just as much of a cocky motherfucker as I can. Especially when he’s right.”


“I look forward to meeting your brother, Ice. And think about coming with him. You’re welcome at my home any time.”

His invitation was unexpected but very much appreciated, considering how tight he kept his circle. “Thank you. I just might do that.”

“You’ll hear from me soon.”

The connection ended abruptly, and I leaned back in my chair, playing over our conversation and wondering how the man had talked me in circles.

I took a deep breath and shook my head, trying to clear my mind of everything except my angel. She was the only thing that would soothe my instincts to hunt Franks down and dismember him myself.

There was a knock on the door before it opened and Fox and Maverick walked into the room.

“So?” Maverick stuck his hands in his front pockets and cocked his head to the side. “Is he in?”

I put my palms flat on the desktop and pushed down, rising to my feet. “In a manner of speaking.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means he agreed, but only if we do it his way,” Fox supplied.


Maverick frowned. “And his way is what?”

I shrugged. “Whatever way he wants. He’ll call when it’s done.”

Fox studied me for a moment, then asked, “And you’re okay with this?”

“Couldn’t argue with his logic,” I answered. “Letting him handle it keeps both Marnie and me safe. And that’s what is most important.”

Fox smiled approvingly, then his expression turned curious. “What did he want in return?”

I told them about Nic’s request, and they both laughed. Then Fox ambled over and slapped me on the back. “Go home to your woman.”

Glancing at my watch, I was happy to see I’d only been gone about an hour and a half. Which meant Marnie would still be awake, and I could make up for leaving so abruptly earlier.

I was almost to the door when Fox called out my name, and I halted, turning halfway around to see what he wanted.

He held up a vest. “Almost forgot. Sheila dropped it off earlier.”

Fox tossed it to me, and I easily caught it, then held it up to look at the property patch taking up almost the entire back. Pride swelled in my chest, and my heart thumped. Yeah, I needed to be with my angel.

“You hear something from Nic, call,” I told them. “Otherwise, don’t bother me for a few days.”

Ignoring their laughter, I turned and stalked from the room.

The ride home felt like hours, and relief washed over me when I saw Whiskey step out of the shadows and raise his chin in greeting as he walked toward me.