I waited in his room while hospital staff came and went, taking him for the tests Blade wanted to run. It took a few hours, so it was good I’d grabbed so many snacks from the cafeteria because we went through them all. When he was discharged, I instinctively reached for my purse and remembered it wasn’t there. “Darn it. I hope whoever drove my car here locked it and my bag is still inside. Canceling my cards and replacing my driver’s license is a headache I don’t want to deal with.”
“Your purse will definitely still be there,” he assured me.
I tilted my head to the side. “You seem very certain of that.”
“Yeah, because your car is in the safest place in town—the Iron Rogues compound.”
My eyes widened. “It is?”
I laughed softly. “I guess you were pretty darn confident that I was leaving here with you.”
He nodded. “Damn straight.”
I narrowed my eyes. “Even before you knew about your bike being messed with.”
“Like I said, I have more than one reason for wanting you to spend tonight with me.”
He wasn’t even a tiny bit embarrassed to have been caught, which somehow didn’t surprise me. “Hopefully, you also have a plan for how we’re getting out of here since your bike was hauled away from the accident and my car is at the compound.”
“Sure do,” he confirmed with a grin as he shrugged on his leather vest. “One of our prospects will meet us outside.”
Blade poked his head into the room. “Now that I know you didn’t do irreparable damage to your thick skull, I’m headed back home.”
Hayes flashed him a smile. “Thanks for coming in to make sure I’m good.”
“No thanks necessary, Ice.” Blade shrugged off his gratitude. “Just part of my duties as the club’s doctor.”
“Sure does come in handy,” I murmured as Hayes stood and settled his palm against my lower back to guide me out of the room.
“Like you wouldn’t believe,” Hayes muttered.
I wasn’t sure that I wanted to know what he meant by that, so I didn’t ask any questions as he led me outside. An SUV idled at the curb, and a guy jumped out of the driver’s seat to open the back door. “Hey, Ice. Glad to see that you’re okay.”
“Thanks.” Hayes jerked his chin in recognition before helping me into the back seat and climbing in after me.
When the prospect pulled away from the curb, I leaned forward to give him my address. It wasn’t long before we pulled through the gate at my complex, and he waited in the vehicle while Hayes came upstairs with me.
I grabbed a weekender tote bag big enough for a couple of days’ worth of stuff, but he shook his head. “You’re gonna need more than that.”
“I am?” I asked, my brows drawing together.
“You’re high maintenance, remember?” he teased.
I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, but I don’t need a ton of stuff for one night.”
“Sorry, angel.” He reached up to grab my rolling carry-on from the shelf in my closet. “Not sure how long it’s gonna take to clear up this mess, but I’m not gonna let you outta my sight until I do.”
Considering I barely knew Hayes, I probably should have asked more questions. But something told me I could trust him. So I packed a week’s worth of clothes and all of my favorite toiletries into two bags.
I stuck my tongue out at him when he teased, “Damn, I shoulda had the prospect come up with us to help with the bags.”
“I warned you,” I murmured as I rolled the smaller of the two out the door with his laughter trailing me.