There was something I didn’t understand, though. “Why the elaborate scheme? Why not just make him disappear?” We’d certainly done it before.
“Franks is more high profile and is always in the media. Even though he’s an asshole and I doubt anyone will miss him, it’s asking a lot of our police to look the other way on this one. We’ll need ’em in the future, and I don’t want them getting skittish.”
I nodded in understanding. We had a good portion of the police force in our small town on the payroll, as well as the mayor, but they still answered to higher authorities. While they were often willing to overlook our activities, they wouldn’t break the law for us. Something we respected.
“So my options are owing a powerful crime family a favor in order to put Franks six feet under or sit back and wait, leaving Marnie vulnerable while Stone and Deviant look for a less messy solution.”
“That about sums it up,” Fox agreed.
For me, there was nothing to consider. I was gonna choose whatever kept Marnie the safest, which meant taking out Franks.
I scrubbed my hands over my face and exhaled heavily. “Looks like we’re making a call to the DeLucas,” I murmured.
Maverick nodded and pulled his phone from his pocket, pausing when I shook my head.
I stood and held out my hand. “I appreciate you being willing, but if anyone is gonna owe Nic DeLuca for this, it’s gonna be me.”
Maverick looked at Fox, who was considering me thoughtfully.
“Your woman, your decision,” Prez told me. “You can use my office.”
Once everyone had cleared the room, I sat behind Fox’s desk and looked at my phone. I hadn’t wanted to use Maverick’s, so he’d given me Nic’s private number.
I hit send and put the phone to my ear. It rang twice before a deep voice answered tersely.
“DeLuca. Who the fuck is this?”
I wasn’t surprised at his reception, considering someone he didn’t recognize was calling his private line.
“Name’s Ice. I’m an enforcer with the Iron Rogues.”
“Ice, huh?” His voice had become much more congenial, though it was still wary. “You’re going to have to explain that one. If it’s because you’re a cold-blooded killer, I must insist on stealing you from Fox to come work for me.”
I chuckled. “Don’t you call him Kye?”
Nic was silent for a moment, then his tone became even friendlier when he replied, “Molto bene.” Then he asked me a few more probing and annoying questions that he obviously believed would prove that I was who I claimed to be.
“Satisfied?” I asked dryly.
Nic laughed. “You know I was just fucking with you, right? Kye sent me a text letting me know you’d be calling.”
“Figures.” I rolled my eyes but couldn’t help chuckling. And I was grateful that Fox had paved the way for me.
“He didn’t explain your road name, though.”
“Former pro hockey player for the Tennessee Trojans,” I explained. “It’s in my blood somewhere because my brother plays center for the New York Navigators.” I paused, then gave him the full truth because, why the hell not? “And my empathy could use some work.”
“I think I like you, Ice,” Nic chuckled.
“Good. Then you won’t mind doing me a favor.”
He was silent for a few beats, then said, “I’m listening.”
I quickly laid out the whole situation and Maverick’s plan. “All we need is your permission to lead the investigation toward the local, nonexistent branch of The Family. And if they come calling, you can prove that you have no contact with this so-called Mafia family—”