I saw Ivan and his man out of the private room with Artem tagging behind us. The persistent beat of club music greeted us, echoing all around. We descended to the main area, where disco lights and swaying bodies merged with the song blaring from the speakers.
As we made our way through the crowd, I glanced towards the bar, intending to assess how the night was going for the bartenders; however, my eye was caught by a vision, right next to the counter—a lady, seated with a drink before her, a look of disinterest on her face as she scrolled through her phone.
She left the bar with her glass, and my eyes followed her as she made her way to a table.
Ivan said something to me, but I missed it; my eyes were still on this woman, who now sat with her elbow propped on the table, resting her chin on her hand while she watched the dancers before her.
I didn’t know what it was, but something about her captivated me. She drew me in like a spell, and I realized not even Natasha had this kind of charm. I was bewitched.
She looked like a dream, the kind that made a man reluctant to wake up. Sexy and stunning, she shamed all the other ladies here tonight with her red dress and cascading hair. She was a diamond in the rough, her beauty cutting right through anything. An enigma she was, and the air around her seemed to intensify, crackling with life.
She may be at a distant table, but she was within reach.
I had no idea how long I had been staring. Maybe a few minutes. Possibly more. When I realized I had stared for far too long—so long it was almost embarrassing—I pulled myself away from my thoughts and turned by focus back to my surroundings. Finally, I found Artem again; he was looking at me curiously.
I looked around, spotting a waitress making her way towards me, and moved to intercept her, forgetting who I was with. She carried a chilled martini glass filled with dark pink liquid seated on a silver tray, reflecting the vibrant disco lights swirling around it. A Cosmo will be just the thing. With a quick word, I sent her off in the direction of the beautiful belle who’d caught my eye, refusing to let go.
I felt like a love-struck teenager with his cock on rev as I waited for the waitress to reach her. When she did, she offered the drink to the rather-confused lady and pointed in my direction. No need to wave. My gaze fixed on her would be enough to let her know the waitress had indicated me.
She looked my way and locked eyes with me for a moment, like she was trying to get a reading off me from where she sat. Her eyes appraised me, then curiosity parted and gave way to a wry smile, one of gratitude, it seemed.
At first, I didn’t realize I was smiling back at her. All I knew was that I was enthralled by every inch of her; the noise faded, and the sea of dancers disappeared, leaving just us, stretched into a world which seemed to thin with every passing second.
A silent, wordless conversation took place between us, and I completely forgot about my new partners.
“Mr. Sharov,” Ivan called, drawing my attention back to him.
All at once, I was back in the club, with dancers swirling all around us.
I looked at Ivan, doing my best to conceal the rage his distraction had ignited within me with a bland expression.
“Yes, Mr. Novikov?” I said.
“We should get—”
No doubt he was about to say ‘going,’ but I interrupted.
“Nonsense.” I cut him short. “Artem will show you to the bar. Have whatever you want—it’s on the house.”
Ivan smiled, and we shook hands again, then Artem showed him and his man to the bar.
Now, there was nothing distracting me. Nothing in my way. Would she still be staring? Would that look of interest and curiosity still be in her eyes?
I returned my gaze to her, and my cock leaped when I found her eyes still trained on me.
Best to end the charade. I started towards her, nudging my way through the crowd. I watched as she looked this way and that, a hopeful look on her face. I thought of the perfect entrance, moving around her to approach her from behind.
She returned to her Cosmo, rubbing the martini glass in a manner that made me wish she was touching me that way. Her eyes darted around as if she was searching for something… someone. As if she was searching for me.
She got up, craning her neck slightly as her eyes continued to skim through the crowd, until, in disappointment upon not finding who she wanted, she sat back down.
My mouth curved into a smug smirk. Was the little mouse trying to provoke me? Even more than I already was? I stalked her from behind, feeling very much like a predator tracking its prey; I’d never felt more intrigued in a woman than at that moment. The thrill of the hunt spiked my blood, and I was determined to catch her for myself.
On reaching her, I leaned forward so she could hear me, then asked, “Looking for someone?”
She jumped a little and held her shoulders up for a few seconds.
“Apologies,” I said. “Did I frighten you?” Hm, little mouse?