“My God!” Jenna was encased in a sexy black dress that seemed all but painted on her skin, her exposed cleavage glinting in the inner light of the car. “Have you seen a Belle tonight?”

“I’m staring at one,” I said, gesturing towards her.

Jenna shook her head, laughing. “No. Not me—at least, not tonight. That crown would belong to you. You look hot in that dress. You’re going to slay a lot of men tonight.”

I walked up to the car, wondering how she was still seeing me.

She winked. “I like what you did with your—” She lifted her hands, cupping her breasts and waggling her eyebrows.

Dismayed, I put my hands to my chest.“Oh no—it’s that obvious?”

“Maya! No. That’s effort. They won’t know—but you and I know.” She winked again. “Nothing wrong with displaying the goods to grab a husband.”

I leaned into the passenger-side window to look her in the eye. “I am not looking for a man to marry me. I’m looking for a man to bed me. I just want to get it over with, you know?”

“If you’re already going in with that mindset, you’ll suck the fun out of it—or him.”

Ugh, Jenna could be such a smartass. Now, she was making stupid sex jokes. I rolled my eyes and pinned her with my best glare.

Not that it helped; she just smirked at me. “Don’t worry. That red will have so many heads turning.” She turned to the side briefly, pressing a button. “Get in.”

Hearing a click as the door unlocked, I tugged the handle, pulling it open, and promptly slid into the front seat. Again, I wanted to rub myself all over the leather seat—the feel of it against my skin, now sheathed in this black dress, was its own kind of high.

Jenna was watching me, obviously anticipating my reaction with how many times I’ve gone crazy in her car. “Such a horndog. Or is it ‘hornbitch’?” She howled like a wolf, and I slapped her arm. Grinning, she said, “You make that face tonight in bed, and you’ll be crawling by tomorrow morning.”

When I gave her a slow side eye, Jenna laughed.

“Pssh, look at you, shaking in your shoes.” She grinned as I buckled in. “There’s no way you don’t know that look is sexy. You always make it when you get in my car, you pervert! And, let me tell you right now, it’s hot enough to drive even a cold-blooded man crazy.”

I cleared my throat. “Hello—virgin?”

Jenna waved my weak defense off. “That’s all going to change tonight, right? That dress will definitely do the trick.”

I turned to Jenna with a wary expression. “Did you—?”

“Don’t ask me crazy questions which you would soon turn to accusations,” Jenna said archly. “I had nothing to do with the dress.”

“Liar. How did you know I was talking about the dress?”

“Because it’s the only piece in your list of puzzles for tonight which you have yet to figure out.”

I rolled my eyes at her overly-formal language. “List of puzzles?”

Jenna rolled up the window and set the car into motion, ignoring me.

“List of puzzles?” I pressed. “I didn’t know I had a list.”

Jenna shrugged and kept her eyes on the road.

I couldn’t help a smile. “Thank you,” I said quietly.

“No need to thank me just yet.” She glanced at me, grinning when she caught my expression. “I just want tonight to be the best you’ve had yet. You can thank me after we’ve accomplished that mission.”

“Still, thank you. You always look out for me, and that’s not something I take for granted.”

Jenna’s eyes twinkled. “You’re welcome.” She returned her gaze to the road.

A few minutes later, we parked in front of a club and stepped out. A valet wearing a red jacked hurried over, and she handed him the keys. Then, ignoring the line of would-be clubgoers waiting to enter, we approached the bouncers at the door.