When I remained silent, he prompted, “Where’d you go just then?”

I sighed. “I was thinking about my first—and last—encounter with Mike,” I said, smiling crookedly. “I feel the need to approach him to… dissuade him from making trouble. It’s difficult to decide on a course of action—I exiled him, yes, but we can’t just go around killing indiscriminately.” I ran a hand through my hair, frustrated. “I just can’t figure out why he would want to test me by coming back here.”

“We’ve heard rumors that he’s protected by a powerful politician,” Artem said, looking at his tablet again. “Perhaps he’s here on business?”

“Hmm. Keep an eye on him. I’m leaving nothing to chance. Find out where he’s staying, and set a tail on him once we find him. I want to stay updated on his movements.”

“He’ll be more cautious now more than ever, making him difficult to catch.”

“I want as many men on this as possible—Mike is a priority. Do it quietly, without disrupting business. The money must always come in.”

Artem nodded, coming to attention again. He seemed glad I’d snapped out of my introspective mood. “Understood.”

I smirked. “Good. Now… Tell me about that woman from last night, Maya.” My eyes narrowed. “I want to know everything.”

“Maya Stone.”

“Yes. Maya Stone. Tell me about her. What have you gathered?”

I needed to know who she was. Friend or foe? It wouldn’t be the first time an enemy had used a lady to get information on a rival. At least, that was the excuse I’d given Artem; really, I just found her intriguing—but, of course, I couldn’t tell him that.

Artem looked back to the screen. “Well, her sheet is pretty clean—no criminal record. A bit boring, if I’m being honest.” I glared at him, so he coughed and went on. “College student, doesn’t go out often, though she visits the gym regularly.”

That explained her banging bod. If she mostly stayed in, that could be why she’d still been a virgin. Probably. She was so beautiful that I had my doubts about that.

“She lives alone,” Artem continued.

Something inside me stirred. A college girl, a girl with discipline, a fitness enthusiast, and a lover of solitude. Artem had called her “boring,” but she fascinated me all the same. For some reason, her apparent isolation made me want her all the more.

“Are you sure she lives alone?” I asked, my curiosity now fully piqued.

“Well, records show that her mother’s alive, but they don’t live together,” Artem said, tapping something on the tablet.

I frowned. Our business had always dealt with the shadier side of town, the riffraff, the corrupt, and others with less-than-pure intentions. A clean-cut, innocent girl like Maya was indeed a refreshing sight. Now I understood her hesitant demeanor that night at the club, the guarded look in her eyes that had made me sense she was inexperienced in more ways than one.

However, something else about her drew me in like a moth to a flame. Perhaps it was that the fact she’d had no idea who I was, no preconceived notions or fear, that made her special. I couldn’t help wondering what lay beneath her surface, what her real intentions had been. It was all too intriguing, and I needed more answers.

There’s never any easy answer, there are those that you’ll go to great lengths and effort to find. There’s those who will seek to destroy your empire and make themselves rich and powerful. But if you’re right, and you do find that hidden treasure, you must dig deep and pull it up quick before it’s lost forever.

I pictured her, that red dress hugging the curves of her short frame, intriguing hazel eyes rimmed with liner black as coal. The waves of her silky brown hair caressing my chest as she rode me, insatiable.

“Maya Stone.” Her name flowed like honey from my lips. I felt a crease form on my forehead. There was something about that name, something I couldn’t quite place—like an echo of a dream I couldn’t fully remember. But it felt familiar, and I was not a man to ignore my gut—even if it was telling me it was a bad idea to pursue someone I didn’t know anything about.

The temptation was strong, though; I was having trouble resisting its call. This woman was an enigma wrapped in a mystery, and there’s nothing I enjoy more than solving a good riddle.

I took another draw on my cigar as I leaned back, blowing a few smoke rings as watching them disappear into the dim light. My mind flashed to the moment I’d spotted Maya by the bar, then watch her make her way to a table—alone.

“She’s pretty young,” Artem said, watching me closely.

That look in his eyes said, too young for you. It was clear he considered her twenty-three years too young for my forty, her status much too common to interest me in the long-term. I read the unsaid words in his gaze: Consider her age. You’re way older than her. Surely you can find someone way hotter than her. Someone more experienced. She’s not your type. However, his respect—and fondness for his damn life—wouldn’t let him say them out loud.

I sighed, ignoring Artem’s obvious disapproval. “I don’t see her age as an issue.” I placed the cigar in the ashtray beside me. “You know me. If I want something, I go for it—and nothing can stop me.”

Artem inclined his head obediently.

And now, I wanted Maya Stone, for the long-term. I’d get her… by whatever means necessary.

Chapter 5 - Maya