“Exactly how we thought it would.” I say as I start stripping out of my clothes, disregarding how hard I'm getting watching my husband relax in our bed. “How was Sera when you got back?”
“Good. Need to get rid of the car she arrived in, though. She switched hers before she got here, but we both know it won’t take Sabbatini long to figure out what vehicle she ended up with.”
“She was smart to do that.” I can’t help but feel a little proud that she even thought to do that. It certainly should make it harder for Sabbatini to find her. At least until he bribes whoever sold her the car she drove here. I have zero doubts that he will.
“Yeah. She seems like she’s had a hard life.” Flame comments, sounding sad. No doubt thinking about the fucked-up shit that happened to him growing up.
"Yeah, but I’m sure she’ll tell us about it all when she’s comfortable.”
Flame hums and pulls the covers back so I can climb in bed next to him. I don’t waste a minute climbing in next to him and resting my head on his chest over his heart. Ever since he almost died, I have been falling asleep listening to his heartbeat. It reminds me that he’s still here, alive and well. As much as I want to do something about how hard I am, I ignore it. After tonight's revelations, I just need to feel Flame's arms wrapped around me and get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day.
Chapter Four
Waking up in an unfamiliar room, it takes me a minute to gain my bearings. That's right, I’m in my brother Shadow’s bedroom. Flame told me to stay in here last night, pretty certain that after hearing about everything, he wouldn't be coming home. I guess Flame was right, as I didn’t get woken up last night by Shadow coming home and wanting his bed.
I know when I get up and leave this room, I’m more than likely going to meet the rest of my family, but I’m not nervous anymore. Not with how quickly Wrath and Flame opened their home to me last night, only knowing the bare minimum about me and that I was in trouble.
They didn’t care in the slightest. Opening their arms and welcoming me into their home like it was nothing. To me, it wasn't nothing. It was everything. Growing up in the environment I did. I got used to not being welcome or wanted in my own home. Having them invite me in so easily felt like I was winning the lottery. I’m finally getting to be a part of a real family. I actually mean something to these people already. It’s fucking surreal.
When Flame originally told me I would be staying in Shadow’s room, I was a little cautious about what it would be like. I’ve seen enough to know that normally men's bedrooms aren’t the tidiest. That couldn’t have been further from the truth as far as Shadow’s room is concerned, though. It’s spotless here. There’s no dirty washing all over the floor, and everything is put away in its own place. It’s well looked after. I definitely shouldn't have stereotyped how his room would be in my head just because he's a man. I don't know what I really expected, but it wasn't this. I’m not even sure my own room back home was this well put together.
I need to get up and downstairs to see what the plans are for today. I know I need to find somewhere to stay; I can’t take Shadow's bed again. That’s just not fair, but I also know it probably isn't the smartest move to stay somewhere on my own. That’s like asking for Patricia or Sabbatini to just come and grab me. I’m not willing to take unnecessary risks like that.
I did everything in my power to cover my tracks, but it isn’t going to take a genius to work out that I ran because of what I overheard and therefore learned about my family in the process. Once they figure that out, it’s going to be as plain as day where I went. I’m just hoping Devil’s Inferno has the power to protect me. Wrath, Flame, and Blade didn’t seem worried about Sabbatini; they were just angry. Maybe that means they know how to keep me safe.
Quickly jumping out of bed, I start to throw on the clothes I was wearing yesterday. I haven't exactly got anything else to wear, leaving with only the clothes on my back, and I don’t feel comfortable going through Shadow’s stuff without his permission. I use the band on my wrist to tie up my hair in a messy ponytail; it's the best I can do without a hairbrush. Walking into Shadow’s ensuite bathroom, I splash some water on my face and find a toothbrush still in its packaging on the side, so I open it up and clean my teeth. Looking in the mirror, when I’m done, I nod my head to myself. This is as good as I’m going to look right now.
Quickly turning, I leave the bathroom and make my way out of the bedroom and downstairs. When I walk into the kitchen, I stop dead in the doorway. Flame is at the stove cooking, and Wrath is standing behind him, hugging him to his chest with his head buried in Flame's neck. There's a young boy, who I’m guessing is Cam, sitting at the table, drinking a glass of orange juice. He sees me standing in the doorway and smiles.
“Come on in; you don’t have to be shy; don’t worry about my Dad and Papa. This is the norm around here. Oh, by the way, I’m Cam.” He says rather quickly and then holds his hand out for me to shake.
I can’t help the small chuckle I let out as I walk towards Cam to shake his hand.
“Good morning, Cam; it’s lovely to meet you. I'm Sera.” I say to him because it’s only polite after he introduced himself.
"Oh, I know who you are. Dad told me this morning when I got up, so I wouldn’t be surprised when a woman walked into our kitchen.” He then bursts out laughing.
He seems like such a sweet kid, and I can’t wait to get to know him better. He looks so much like his Dad. It's a little eerie. Same dark brown hair, same brown eyes, same face space, same well everything. If he were older, I'd mistake them for twins.
“Hello.” I hear an unfamiliar voice shouting from somewhere else within the house.
“Kitchen Shadow.” Wrath shouts.
It looks like it’s time to meet my other brother. When he steps into the kitchen, I’m taken back by how much he looks like Wrath. I knew they were twins, but I had no idea they were identical. The only difference I can see between them is their tattoos. Where Wrath’s seem to be all black and gray, Shadow's are all bright and colorful.
“Holy shit.” Shadow spits out when we lock eyes.
“I was about to say that.”
“Why?” Shadow asks, tilting his head to one side as he studies me.
“I didn’t realize you were identical twins.”
“Ohhh,” Shadow says, nodding his head.
“Breakfast is done.” Flame interrupts us, shouting from the stove.