Page 47 of Blade's Angel

“I don’t get it. I’d never want to hide my relationship with Blade. I don’t understand why she wanted to hide theirs.”

“Fuck if I know, but I don’t like it. He shouldn’t be someone’s secret. Your brother is the best man I know. He should be fucking cherished by whoever he’s with.”

“Hopefully everything will be okay now that it’s out in the open.”

“I hope so.”

He doesn't sound convinced, though, and the sadness in his eyes isn't as hidden as well as he may think.

“How long have you been in love with him?” I ask quietly.

Wreck looks up at me, eyes wide in shock, shaking his head. “It's not like that.”

I'm not convinced. He may not realize it, but it's clear to me that he doesn't just love my brother; he's in love with him. If I'm being honest, from all the interactions I've seen between them, I'd say Shadow is just as much in love with Wreck. They're just both totally clueless to their feelings.

We lapse into silence. Wreck sits and watches me as I work. Normally I hate being watched as I do anything artistic, but I don’t mind when it’s Wreck. I know he appreciates everything I do and will only ever make comments that can help me do better.

Chapter Thirty-Eight


I may have gone overboard with all the weapons I currently have strapped to my body, but fuck if I was coming to this meeting unprepared. If need be, I want to have enough weapons to take out everyone Sabbatini has brought with him. If it means protecting Sera, I will kill them all with no hesitation.

Wrath looks over as we walk into Inferno's, eyeing me warily. No doubt guessing I’m probably covered in weapons. He knows me well enough to know I wouldn’t be walking in here without a way to kill as many people as possible if I need to. Especially when it’s about protecting the woman I love. People thought I was lethal before Sera; that’s nothing compared to what I am now. I’d destroy the world if it meant keeping her safe.

Right now, there’s no staff here, but that won’t be the case for much longer. By the time this meeting is over, they will all have arrived. Shadow doesn’t seem worried right now, but I’m sure that won’t be the case by the end. Megan will be here then, and he made it pretty clear last night that he was worried about her being in the same space as Sabbatini. I’m not going to worry about that; Sabbatini doesn’t care about any of our staff. He wants my woman.

We have a plan as far as Megan is concerned. Not one of us has informed Shadow, though; this isn’t about his relationship per se; it’s about her attitude at work. So as soon as Sabbatini is dealt with, we’ll be moving on to our issue with Megan. Shadow isn’t going to like it, but he’s going to have to suck it up. His girlfriend's behavior can’t continue; sooner or later, it’s going to affect the rest of the staff, and we can’t have that.

We all head to the table in the back corner. Wrath taking a seat on one side with Shadow next to him. The rest of us stay standing and position ourselves close by. Flame is the only one of us standing right next to Wrath and Shadow. No doubt to make sure his husband is protected. He’s extra cautious nowadays, after all they’ve been through. I don’t blame him. I’d be the same way with Sera.

Five minutes later, the doors open, and in walks Sabbatini and his entourage. He’s come with five men, which is surprising; I was expecting more. There's no doubt he’s left the rest of his men outside. Probably realizing that walking in with some sort of show of force isn’t the smartest move after what happened last time he did that. They’re all wearing black suits, looking like the mobsters they are. Sabbatini is the only one not in black; he’s wearing a clearly custom-tailored gray suit with a black shirt. My guess is that it’s all designer; no way would he walk around in anything that didn’t cost a fortune. He likes people to know he has money.

They approach where we all are, their eyes scanning the room. No doubt looking for additional threats, they won’t find any. The only threats in this room right now are us. Sabbatini should know Wrath doesn’t play games.

Sabbatini takes a seat opposite Wrath, a giant smile on his face. All I want to do is reach over and smack it off his face.

“Good morning, Wrath.” He says in greeting.

“Morning Sabbatini.” Wrath replies, showing why he’s President. I couldn’t sit there and play nice like this. I’d have already attacked if I were in Wrath’s position.

“So where's my woman?” Sabbatini asks.

Before I can move, I feel a hand clamp down on my shoulder. Hard. Eagle. He’s the only one who’s probably brave enough to try to stop me right now. If I didn’t have so much respect for him, I’d shove him away.

"Well, she’s not your woman now; is she Sabbatini? Are you really delusional enough to believe I’d hand over my sister to you?”

“We both know I paid good money for her.”

"Yeah, about that. Patricia is unfortunately no longer with us, so your little deal is null and void.”

Sabbatini’s eyes widen slightly in shock, but that’s the only reaction he shows. “That’s unfortunate. I’m sorry for the loss of your mother.”

Both Wrath and Shadow can’t help themselves; they laugh. Neither of them sees Patricia as their mother.

“We all know she was little more than an egg donation. So cut the crap.” Wrath says as he sobers up.

“Fine. I want what I paid for, Wrath. It matters not to me that she’s your sister.”