Page 51 of Should Have Been Me

The same couldn’t be said for Tarryn when Leighton made a snide comment about Barrett trading up when he put a ring on her finger. I had worried she was going to beat the hell out of the woman.

But then the most incredible thing had happened. Vaughn showed up out of the blue at the park where Leighton had insisted the pictures would be taken. It had been a complete surprise, and I hadn’t been able to wipe the smile off my face.

It was hilarious to see how the dynamic shifted when big brother entered the scene. Leighton was still a pain in the ass, but it was as if she knew her place in the pecking order when Vaughn was around, and it wasn’t at the top. Any time she tried hurling an insult, he’d been there to shut it down quickly. All the bravado Barrett had in my office that day was gone, and the man did his best to melt into the background. I had been able to get through the shoot without any more drama. And of course, there was the added bonus that, now that Vaughn and I had drawn the lines thick and clear on what we were to each other, the man couldn’t seem to keep his hands off me. I didn’t mind one damn bit.

There hadn’t been some kind of gargantuan shift in Vaughn’s personality, no changes where his Grinchy side disappeared, and I wouldn’t have wanted that to happen. I liked Vaughn for exactly who he was, and who he was just so happened to be a grumpy asshole who still wasn’t a fan of most people, but really liked me for some reason.

His voice rumbled through his bare chest where I was resting my head, doing my best to ignore the outside world a little longer. “Whoever is on the other end of that call isn’t going to stop because you’re ignoring them.”

Oh, I was well aware of that. I knew exactly who was calling and why, and I knew there’d be no stopping her from eventually reaching me. But I was too content to move. “I guess you’re rubbing off on me. I’ve decided I don’t like people anymore, therefore, I don’t have to talk to them.”

He chuckled—that, along with his smile, was a new development over the past few days—making my body shake. I couldn’t help but smile at the sound of it. Each smile and laugh I got from him felt like a priceless gift. Even more treasured because of the fact he only did it when it was only the two of us. Like those were meant for me alone and he didn’t want to risk sharing them with anyone else.

I cherished each and every one.

“I’m pretty sure it’s impossible for you to hate anyone, Calamity.”

I stacked my hands on his chest and rested my chin on top so I could look up at him. “Not true. I regularly catch myself daydreaming about punching your sister in her smug face.”

“Half-sister,” he specified, his tone laced with humor. “And wanting to smack the entitlement out of someone isn’t the same as hating them. Can you honestly say you hate her?”

I let out an annoyed huff, rolling my eyes dramatically. “I guess not,” I grumbled. “Honestly, I don’t care enough about her to hate her.” Discovering I was basically indifferent about the entire situation that I’d spent far too long letting rule my world was freeing, to say the least.

“You have too good a heart. It’s one of the things I like most about you.”

I smiled, walking my fingers up his chest and tapping lightly on the end of his nose. “Because it counteracts all your gloom.”

He nipped at the tip of my finger, making me giggle before flipping me over onto my back and nestling his hips between my thighs. I could feel him already getting hard for me despite having come not too long ago. I knew men his age were supposed to need a longer recovery time, but Vaughn Cavanagh was a freaking machine. I was actually starting to worry I wouldn’t be able to keep up with his insatiable appetite.

He dragged his nose along the cord at the side of my neck, making me shiver. I’d discovered over the past few days that the crook of my neck seemed to be one of his favorite places. Any chance he could, he’d bury his face there and breathe me in or kiss me or trail his tongue across my sensitive skin. “You’re my perfect balance.”

Oh man! I liked hearing that a lot.

Before I could say so, my phone started ringing again.

“Oh my God,” I groaned miserably. “This is my nightmare.”

I felt Vaughn’s grin against my shoulder right before he rolled over and off the bed, moving in all his naked glory toward the bathroom. “Answer the phone before someone shows up looking for you in person.”

With a pout, I pressed myself up against the headboard, pulling the sheet up to cover my chest, snatched the phone off my bedside table, and swiped across the screen. “Hi, Mom.”

“Well,” she huffed into the phone. “It’s about dang time. I’ve only been calling you all day.” I rolled my eyes at her dramatics. “You’ve called four times in less than ten minutes, that’s hardly all day.”

She scoffed. “What if it had been an emergency, huh? What if I’d driven my car into a ditch by accident and was pinned inside and I called you and called you for help, and you didn’t answer? What would you have done then, huh?”

“I would have pointed out the fact that you wasted serious time calling me when you should have been trying to reach the police... the people who could actually help you in that situation.”

Vaughn appeared in the doorway, his features soft with humor as he leaned against the door jamb, listening in on my conversation with my mom. I let my eyes travel down his sculpted body as my mother’s attempted guilt trip drifted in one ear and out the other. God, the man really was a work of art. Firm, defined pecs were covered in the thinnest smattering of chest hair that felt amazing against my nipples while he held me close as I rode him. A thin happy trail cut through the abs carved into his stomach and down, leading to the holy grail of dicks. It hung long and heavy between thick, muscular thighs. If he were to turn around, I know I’d see an ass you could bounce a quarter off of, an ass that was currently sporting a bite mark, thanks to me.

I regretted nothing.

“Jolie? Jo? My God, girl. Are you even listening to me?”

“Uh, sorry. What?” I blinked myself back into the present, cutting a glare at Vaughn when he shot me a wicked smirk. “I’m listening, I swear. What were you saying?”

“I was saying I have dinner in the oven already, but could you be a dear and stop off for a bottle of wine on your way over?”

Okay, I knew I hadn’t been tuning her out that badly. “I’m sorry, what are you talking about? Why would I need to stop for a bottle of wine?”