He cuts straight to the point. “You do realize that if a girl doesn’t want to talk to you, it’s because she doesn’t want to talk to you — right?”

“No, I know,” I say, feeling the conversation spiraling out of control. Desperately, I try and claw it back. “I’m just worried about her, that’s all. Neither of you replied about the tickets. I don’t know if you want to come.” It’s a pretty weak reason to pretend to be calling, I realize as the words slip out my mouth.

I’m certain Matt sees right through it too, but he indulges me. “I would love to come. Thank you so much for the offer. I don’t know if Freya will, though. Baseball’s not really her thing.”

“I know,” I laugh. “She tried her best when she came to training, but she was so confused.”

“She knows the basics and that’s about it,” Matt says. I can hear him crack into a smile, and suddenly I feel like I can turn this around again.

“Yeah!” An awkward moment of silence passes where I can hear Matt’s breathing, and I’m sure he can hear mine, and I know it’s my turn to speak but I’m scrambling to find the words. “Look, Matt, I’m not trying to get back in her pants or anything, okay? But could you just tell her to shoot me a thumbs-up or something, just so I can stop worrying that she’s dead?”

“She’s not dead,” Matt replies dryly.

“Will you please just ask her to text me back? I want to tell her I’m sorry.”


“Yeah. I’m sorry. I don’t know how much she’s gossiped about me. But you probably know that I should have been better for her. I just want to tell her I’m sorry for that. I’m not asking her to take me back. I just wanted to know that she deserves the best. I don’t want us to have ended on a bad note.” The honesty tries to stick to my tongue, but I force it out anyway.

Matt hums in consideration. “All right. I’ll tell her. But I’m not promising anything. And if she doesn’t call you back, please don’t call me again. You know I’ll side with her no matter what, so it’s pointless trying to get me to do your dirty work. Okay?”

“Okay,” I say feeling disturbingly humbled by the teenager. I consider telling him that I miss him too, but I think that would be too far given the conversation we just had. “Either way, I’ll get you those tickets, yeah? It’s the least I can do.”

I can hear Matt break into a smile. “Thanks, Jackson. You’re the best.” He catches himself as he’s saying it, but it’s too late. The words slip out.

I decide not to hold him hostage on the phone any longer because if I do, I’ll be smug and that’ll ruin everything. “I’ll see you around, kid,” I say, and hang up before I can say anything else.

He texts me two minutes later, as soon as I reach my living room. Just got home. I’ll talk to her now.

I send him back a thumbs-up and flop onto the sofa, my heart pounding.

“Girl troubles?” Maria asks, leaning over me and making me jump.

“None of your business!” I snap, which answers her question for her.

She hums, sticking your nose up into the air with an air of triumph. We might not be all that close, but it’s pretty hard for a woman who’s washed your underwear not to know all your dark secrets.

“Stop trying so hard,” she says. “If you want my advice?—”

I cut her off. “I didn’t ask.”

“Yes, but you’ll take it. What’s meant to be will be. If she wants you back, she’ll take you. And if she doesn’t, leave her alone!”

I throw up both of my hands. “Okay!” I say. “Message received.” I give a salute, and she laughs, shaking her head before drifting back off to her work.

It’s only as she leaves that I realize I feel the lightest I have in days. What’s meant to be will be. It damn well always is.



Seconds pass where we just stare at each other. Matt’s eyes flick to the tests and back to me, his mouth dropping open in shock and horror. There’s no way I can pretend that this is anything other than what it is.

At last, I burst into tears.

“Hey,” says Matt, alarmed. He rushes to wrap his arms around me, and I sink into his embrace, a sob welling out of my chest.

I’m not sure how long we sit there for, Matt gently stroking my back and shushing me as I weep into his shoulder. All of the stress of the last week is uncoiling in the form of uncontrollable sobs, and there’s nothing I can do to hold back the tide. All this time, I’ve tried to never show Matt weakness, to be strong and sturdy for him. To be someone he can always rely on, no matter what.