Running through drafts in my mind, I find myself back in the kitchen, and of course the first thing I see are some of the cookies Freya made for me last week. The sight of them twists my heart and wrings it out like an old rag, and I have to lean against the counter to steady myself. More than anything, it fills me with certainty. I have to speak to her again, even if it’s just one more time.

And I think I just figured out the perfect way to do it.

I open up a group chat with her and Matt. Appealing to her brother too seems like a more neutral way of talking to her. At least then she has someone to gang up on me with. I write, Hey, hope it’s all going okay. If we get through to the final tomorrow, was just wondering if you’d both like tickets? Best seats in the house, on me. It would be good to see you both.

I decide very firmly against leaving a kiss and send the message before I can double-think it and not send it at all. Freya’s not that into baseball, but Matt is, and this would be so cool for him, to come and watch the game as a VIP. I’m hoping it sounds like that’s what I want to give them, rather than sounding like I want her.

To my despair, the kitchen clock tells me it’s only six forty-five. I go over and grab three cookies and shove them all into my mouth in rapid succession, giving in to the turbulent rush of feelings they give me — the warm memory of Freya’s smile, the agonizing pain of her leaving, the bittersweet knowledge of everything I should have done.

I’m not expecting her to take me back. But I at least want her to give me a chance. More than anything, I need her forgiveness.

It’s going feel like a long, long time until I get an answer. I just hope one comes.



Iam impossibly tired. Like seriously exhausted tired. Like I’ve had to take a sick day tired. That is so unlike me, but I didn’t have a choice. I can’t work like this.

I nestle back into my bed and pull the covers over my head, breathing in the warm air. The last thing I want to do right now is get up, and I’m glad I don’t need to. I’m all alone in the house right now, and it’s blissful.

Matt’s got a half day at school today, so it’s not like I get the full day to myself, but I never mind spending some actual time with him. Even if I feel disgusting, it’s good to hang out. I should probably get up before he comes home, but what I want to do is just sleep and sleep and sleep until this weird fever passes.

Sleeping is also a really good way to avoid thinking about Jackson. Well, eighty percent of the time, anyway. It’s not like I can control having dreams about him. I wish I could.

It’s been almost two weeks since I broke up with him, and I’m hurting even more than I expected to. And I expected it to hurt a lot.

Matt’s been amazing this whole time, because of course he has. He’s been there for me, helping me with dinner and getting himself to school today when I felt really sick. He’s a good kid, and I love him so much I could eat him.

It gets harder, though, when Jackson won’t leave it alone, especially when I’m trying so hard to stand by my decision and not cave. The other night, he texted to say that if we wanted to go, he could get us the best seats in the house for the World Series game.

Of course, I didn’t watch the qualifying game, but Matt did, and the cheers of victory told me everything I needed to know. I felt certain that Matt was going to hate the fact that I let the professional baseballer get away, but if he does resent me for it, he hasn’t let it show at all. Maybe I should take Jackson up on the tickets for Matt’s sake.

But I also don’t know what to say in reply. So I haven’t even read the message again since we got it.

I shut my eyes and groan. Maybe I caught a bug or something from the hospital. It happens, and it would be a nice explanation for what’s going on. Tidy. And so much easier than contemplating some facts I’m trying very hard to ignore.

I don’t like to ignore facts. I like to be a good nurse and confront the truth, even if it’s hard. I like to make patients feel truly cared for, and I know I should do the same for myself.

Somehow it’s harder for me, though.

I barely want to think about it, but the fact is, my period is late and I am usually as regular as clockwork. It would be easy to pretend, but I’ll never be satisfied until I know for sure.

Unfortunately, finding that out means I’m going to have to subject myself to the humiliation of buying a pregnancy test.

I look at my phone, bright under the darkness of my covers. Matt won’t be home for a while yet, so this seems like perfect timing. I can do this without him knowing, then if it’s negative, I can pretend it never happened — and if it’s positive, I can work out what to say later.

I clench my fists and throw the covers off me. I still feel sick, but I have a quest now, so I’m not going to spend any more time worrying about anything. And telling myself that enough times might even make it true.

Fortunately, there’s a pharmacy about fifteen minutes from the apartment, so I shove on a hoodie and my running shoes, grab my purse, and head out of the house. A walk will do me some good as well. The fresh air can’t hurt, and I can just choose not to think about Jackson. Easy.

I don’t know why I’m embarrassed to be going into the store. It’s not like I’m going to run into anyone I know. And even if I do, it’s not abnormal to be going to the pharmacy on my day off, especially when it’s a sick day. Not that anyone would question it — but if they did, I could very easily write it off as going to get some medication.

The air conditioning blasts onto my face when I step inside, a nice relief from the warm day outside. Even though it’s September now, it’s still weirdly warm outside.

Ironically, I was just talking to some of the midwives about pregnancy testing. They were telling me about how the newer ones are way too expensive for what they are, and at the end of the day, all you need to know is yes or no. All that stuff about how far along you are is basically just stuff the hospital is going to tell you anyway.

Still, I don’t want to get the cheapest one. But I also don’t really feel like spending forty dollars on a stick that I have to pee on.