Page 13 of Right on Time

“Oh. I–I… You… I should probably get off you.”

“Stay.” His voice was strained, as if he were barely holding himself together.

“It’s okay! Freezing my butt off is not so bad–”

“I will not let you freeze, Loe.” Nitiel’s hands got a firm hold of her hips. As she felt his fingers on her bare skin, Chloe realized her dress had ridden obscenely high.

“But–But… You… I…” Clearly, she was suffering from brain freeze. She couldn’t string a full sentence anymore.

In her defense, it wasn’t every day that she had a hard cock pressed against her pussy. A massive, thick cock, by the feel of it. An alien cock. With nothing but her panties and his uniform standing in the way.

“This is improper, I know.” Nitiel closed his eyes, as though unable to look at her face so close to his. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “You’re safe with me, Loe. From me. You have my word.”

“Okay,” she whispered.

The question was why wasn’t she relieved to hear that? Why was a part of her wishing he would act upon his needs, taking charge of her body the way he had done to move her into position? It was one thing to be physically attracted to Nitiel and another, to want to go all the way with the guy. For goodness’ sake, Chloe had had sex with a human man only a handful of times, back in college, and now she wanted to ride an alien she had met a few hours ago? That was nuts.

Her thoughts scattered when Nitiel closed his wings around them both. His feathers, gentle and soft, blanketed her from the nape down. His scent, woodsy and spicy, enveloped her. His body, so warm and solid against hers, made the cold but a distant memory. A sense of peace and belonging filled her.

Overanalyzing her confusing feelings toward Nitiel could wait. Chloe rested her head on his shoulder and let herself simply feel.


A Warm Ride

The female relaxed against him, but Nitiel was anything but relaxed. And not because the temperature regulator had malfunctioned, ruining what was supposed to be a comfortable and safe ride on his watch.

The soft strands of Loe’s dark hair against his neck, her breasts rubbing against his chest at every breath, the heat of her pressed against his cock – his entire body was on fire. In the silence that engulfed them, interrupted only by the occasional beeps from the console, Nitiel could think of nothing but taking Loe. He was looking at the space view through the porthole, but all he was seeing was him driving his aching cock into her.

First, he would fist her soft hair and pull her head back to claim her lips. When she was flushed and breathless, Nitiel would kiss his way down her slender neck and the tempting valley between her breasts. Her delicate dress would tear like paper under his unsheathed claws, bearing those pale globes to his gaze and mouth.

Next, he would tease their hard peaks with his tongue until she was begging for him to take her. Only then would he sink into her wet heat, impaling her inch by inch on his rigid cock until he was balls deep into Loe. Then, hands on her luscious hips, he would move her up and down on his length–

No, she would ride him on her own, not letting him be in charge. The fiery female would take her pleasure from him, would take him as much as he was taking her. Equally matched, just like when they had argued the entire way here–

Matched. That one word got him out of his fantasy with the suddenness of a blade piercing his wing. Loe was matched – to Commander Siriniel! There was no taking her except in the sense of bringing her to her niel. There was no Loe taking Nitiel, because even if the ASI had not found the Terran her niel, she would not want Nitiel. The clan-less, the hybrid. The Subcommander who had to retire from active duty because the old injuries were catching up to him.

It didn’t matter that she stirred passions inside him the likes of which he had never experienced before. That his contacts with ladies – though limited to conversations at social gatherings – had never interested him as much as his arguments with the Terran had. That no intimate stories by his fellow soldiers had ever caused the raging inferno in his loins that she had ignited twice already. He had to escort Loe–Lady Loe Davison to the Commander and forget about her.

Forget about the feel of her tucked under his wings, like the most precious of gifts to be protected. Forget about every delectable inch of her pressed against him. Her soft skin warm and pliant under his fingers. Her cunt hot against his straining cock–


Nitiel nearly jumped in his seat. “Wh–What?”

“I asked if help is coming?” Loe said, her breath a puff of warm air against his shoulder.

“What help?”

“That ship in our vicinity you contacted for assistance?”

“Ah.” He had completely forgotten about the Sangobar. “She’s a patrol ship that can give us a warm ride when we’re no further than a Terran hour from our destination. Although… I would prefer not to bother the patrol, now that you’re warm–You’re warm, correct?”

“Correct.” There was humor in her tone. “I’m having a warm ride right now.”

Nitiel’s fingers flexed involuntarily around her hips. One word from Loe, and he would give her a proper ride. One that would have her writhing in ecstasy, the coldness and loneliness of space but a distant memory–

“Tell me about the space station.”