Page 31 of Right on Time

Chloe smiled, warmth filling her chest. “Yep, Trevor was a fool, for many reasons. But I was foolish myself back then, for staying with someone who didn’t appreciate me. I like to believe I’ve wised up, but we’ll see.”

“Commander Siriniel will treasure you, Loe. You will be well loved and snuggled.”

“Yeah? How do you know? Have you shared a bed with him?” She bit her lower lip. Had she gone too far, lost in the intimacy of the moment?

“I know because he is a good male,” Nitiel said calmly, clearly not scandalized. “He will give his niela everything she needs. You’ll see for yourself very soon.”

“Um, about that… I no longer wish to see him first thing in the morning.”

Nitiel’s hold on her tightened for a second there. “You don’t?”

“I know, I know, I was very insistent on getting this business done so I could go back home. But I was thinking about exploring the station first? By then, my so-called fated mate might finally decide to see me. Why should I chase after him, right? Let him show me what kind of male he is.”

“Chloe, you will have a lot of time to explore the station. This is your new home.”

She stifled a scoff. “Not if the ASI is glitching, it’s not.”

Just the softest of rumbles sounded from within Nitiel’s chest under her cheek. “Alright. I will take you around the station,” he declared.

“Um, you don’t have to if you don’t want to. I can go with Trixie.”

“No.” His wings closed more firmly over her. “I am not leaving your side.”

“Well, okay.” Yes, yes, yes! This was what she’d had in mind all along. More time alone with Nitiel. She really hoped he was happy about this but was simply trying to hide it by acting all duty-like. “Let’s just snuggle a bit longer, though.”

“Yes.” Said straightaway and with satisfaction that could not be hidden.

Chloe grinned once more and left herself to the care of the best mattress in the world. Perhaps even the universe.


Only One Female

Nitiel kept glancing at Loe as they walked side by side along the busy corridors of the space station. He wanted to make sure she was not overwhelmed by the big number of extraterrestrials, almost all of them male.

To his relief, both her body language and facial expression said she was in awe with what she saw. Not that he would have minded her clutching his arm to her chest, like she’d done on the previous planetary rotation. Or snuggling under his wing.

Nitiel cleared his throat. He should not allow his mind to drift back to the forbidden pleasure that his rest with Loe had been.

Though he had spent that rest as hard as steel, Nitiel didn’t regret his decision to remain in bed after discovering the partition had malfunctioned. He had thus tested his restraint and discovered he was capable of keeping his more primal side – his father’s side – leashed around Loe. That made him calmer now about staying close to her until the end of his mission.

Also, he had enjoyed hours of having Loe under his wings. Inappropriate, yes, but his attempts to do the right thing had led to nothing but frustration as one mishap after another had made sure he would be in compromising situations with the Commander’s niela. Why not enjoy those inevitable situations? Why not pull Loe fully on top of him during the night so she would be more comfortable? Why not place his hands on her lower back and hip to keep her from sliding off in her sleep? Why not offer her to stay with him in bed a bit longer to get a sleepy smile out of her?

Nitiel cast another look at Loe to his left. Her lips were once again curled into a smile.

“What is it, my lady?” He had forgone the formal address in his cabin, but in public he had to stick to it, as empty as it sounded after the intimacy he and Loe had shared. “Is it everyone’s curious looks your way that amuse you?”

“No, being curious is understandable when so few women live on this station. Everyone is actually doing a good job at not openly staring… It’s us that I find funny.”


“Well, yeah.” She nodded slightly at the soldiers passing them by, an amused sparkle in her eyes. “The others are in working jumpsuits or one-piece uniforms similar to yours, going about their workday in space. I, on the other hand,” she poked her fluffy skirts, “am in a Cinderella dress being forearm-led by you as though we’re at a palace ball. We’re so out of place.”

Nitiel smiled. “That’s because humans consider our social behavior outdated, when to us it’s a tradition that does not change regardless of how our lives in space do. We may travel the stars, but tradition keeps us grounded so that we do not lose our way.”

“Well said, Subcommander.” Then she giggled. “Careful with those wing feathers, I’m ticklish.”

“Forgive me.” Nitiel pulled his left wing away from Loe, alarmed. He hadn’t realized he was shielding her from behind with it, acting both protective and possessive in public. His self-control might not be as good as he had thought.