“Did I do something wrong?”
My head is shaking before the full question is out. Fuck, I have no idea what I’m doing, but I can’t let him think my fear is his fault. “No, it has nothing to do with you. This is all me.”
“Please don’t lie to me. I know it has to be something because the night before the debate, we were fine. I was a little stressed, but you were still there. But when I got back to the campaign office, it was like a switch had flipped. You barely looked at me. You didn’t melt into my touch like you always do, which I fucking adore. Something had to have happened between the night before and then. I must have done something or said something that made you pull away from me. So please, just tell me, that way we can talk it out, or I can fix it because I miss you,” he pleads.
My heart nearly breaks, and I shut my eyes for a second to steady my nerves. “Do you remember your closing statement at the debate?”
“Of course,” he says, his brow furrowed.
“You remember what you said? Word for word?” I ask.
“Yeah, I practiced it for nearly two weeks. I mean, I went a little off script when Mitchell had the audacity to specifically call you out as a reason for people to question my loyalty, but all I added was that where the person I’m in a relationship with is from doesn’t affect the love I have for my district and the dedication I have to bettering the lives of the people living there. The rest was already part of my speech,” he says, his voice laced with confusion.
“Yeah, except those weren’t the words you used,” I say carefully.
“What did I—?” He stops short as his eyes widen in realization. “I said love.”
“You did, and it…” I sigh and hug my torso. “It kind of freaked me out.”
“Because you don’t feel the same,” he says, his voice full of disappointment.
Before I can correct him, the door to the stairwell bursts open. Both of our heads whip toward the door to find Daniel.
“Hey, boss, Mina sent me to find you so you can do your thank you speech before people get too drunk on bubbly,” Daniel says, gesturing with the plastic flute of Prosecco in his hand.
“Can you stall for me?” Jamie asks.
“Sure, I can maybe buy you ten minutes,” Daniel replies.
With a nod, Daniel backs away, letting the door swing shut behind him.
Jamie turns his attention back to me. “Look, I’m sorry that freaked you out. I didn’t mean for that to slip out like that. I know it’s a little soon for those kinds of feelings, and that this is your first relationship, which is why I haven’t said anything. I just can’t help it. I get attached to other people a lot quicker than most. I always have. It’s who I am. But please, don’t let it scare you away.”
I open my mouth to say something, but he continues over me.
“I don’t expect you to feel the same any time soon. Really, I don’t. I can be patient, I prom—”
“Jamie, I didn’t freak out because I don’t feel the same,” I interrupt gently. Then, I take a deep breath as I prepare to say the most terrifying thing I think I’ve ever said to anyone. “I freaked out because I do.”
“You do?”
I nod, and his face splits into a massive grin. He lets out a breathy little laugh and closes the distance to rest his hands on my hips—the best he can do since my arms are still wrapped around my torso protectively.
“Darlin’, if you feel the same, then why have you been so distant?” His thumbs stroke circles on my hip bones.
“I’ve never felt like this about anyone before. Hearing you say that word made me realize just how close to you I was getting—how dependent on you I was starting to feel—and I got scared.” I swallow hard past the lump in my throat. “I was afraid of what would happen if you didn’t win. I was afraid…”
“You were afraid I would have to leave,” he finishes for me.
“Yeah, and I knew if I admitted how I felt about you and then that happened, it would break me,” I say, my voice cracking.
“Oh, sweetheart.” He cups my cheeks tenderly with both hands, then brings our lips together for a soft kiss.
Unable to help myself, I unfurl my arms and wind them around his waist to bring our bodies closer together. He keeps the kiss soft and chaste, but I still feel it down to my toes regardless. After a long moment, he pulls away to rest our foreheads together.
“I wish you would have talked to me,” he whispers as his thumb brushes my cheekbone. “If you had, I would have told you that even if I had lost, I would have figured out a way to make us work. There’s no way I would have just left you. I care about you and something as simple as physical proximity wouldn’t change that.”