“It would just be us, the farm owners and staff, and a reporter—oh, and the goats, of course,” I add with a grin.
“Of course,” he says with a chuckle. Then he takes a deep, steadying breath. “Okay, I’ll go.”
“Are you sure, darlin’? Like, absolutely sure?” I ask with emphasis.
He furrows his brow. “Are you trying to convince me out of it?”
I sigh and shake my head. “No, but I don’t want you to think you have to do this—any of it. The trip home, meeting my parents, the press event. I don’t want you to agree because you think you have an obligation to.”
“I’m not. I’m agreeing because I want to support—” He stops short, and his eyes widen. “Wait, did you say meeting your parents?”
“Yeah, did I—sorry, I thought it was kind of implied.”
Shit, I’m going to scare him off. We only made things real between us a week ago, and I’m already talking about introducing him to my parents. Sure, I met his, but that was different. It was for show. This would be very, very real.
My leg starts to bounce restlessly. “It’s just—well, I never told my parents we weren’t a real couple. I didn’t think they’d understand, so it was easier to tell them the cover story, which means they think we’ve been together for nearly nine months now. And they’ve been asking about when they’ll get to meet you. If that would be too much given that we’ve really only been together a week, I’d understand. I can just tell them the truth and say it’s too early for—”
“Jamie,” he says firmly, making me stop and take a breath.
“Sorry,” I say sheepishly.
“It’s alright. I understand.” He hesitates for a moment, then rests his hand on top of mine in my lap.
A small bit of tension seems out of me as I flip my hand to lace our fingers together.
“It’s up to you whether you want to tell your parents the truth,” he says as he squeezes my hand. “As for meeting them, I think I’m okay with it. I mean, you’ve met mine, so I guess it’s only fair.”
“Are you sure?” I ask.
“Can you please stop asking me that?” he asks with an annoyed sigh. “I’m not, but I’m never sure about anything. It’s part of having anxiety. I want to go home with you, though, even if I’m a little uncertain and nervous about it.”
I nod in understanding. “Is there anything I can do to help you be less nervous about it?”
He hesitates, then shakes his head. “I’ll let you know if there is, though.”
“Sounds good,” I say before smiling and leaning in to kiss his cheek.
Chapter 21
Song: Long Drive – Jason Mraz
I’m standing on the curb outside of my apartment building, trying not to melt in the late afternoon sun, when a maroon two door car pulls up. Taylor Swift spills out of the open windows and sunroof, and I can’t help smiling as I lean down and see Jamie looking the most relaxed I’ve seen him since that night in Lavender. It’s not even the khaki shorts and plain white T-shirt he’s wearing, although they are a stark contrast from the button-downs or polos he’s usually in. But I’ve seen him in sweats before. It’s more the lack of tension radiating off his body, the way his left arm hangs out of the window and his right hand rests casually on the steering wheel.
“Hey, darlin’,” he says, grinning back.
Before I can protest, he unbuckles his seatbelt and gets out. He opens the trunk as he rounds the back of the car, then steps onto the curb and strides up to me. His hand rests on my waist, and I expect him to go for his usual cheek kiss greeting. But he surprises me by cupping the back of my neck and pressing his lips to mine. I hum into the kiss, and he deepens it for a moment, teeth playfully nipping at my bottom lip before breaking it.
“What was that for?” I ask.
“I’m excited,” he says, pausing briefly before kissing me again. “I’ve been looking forward to this for weeks.”
I duck my head, feeling my cheeks go a little pink.
“Get in the car. I’ll put your bag in the trunk.”
“I can—“