His teeth pull at my bottom lip, and another moan escapes me.
“Okay,” I pant as I pry myself away, “I think I need for you to move things along, now. Otherwise, this might be over embarrassingly quickly on my end.”
If I didn’t know better, I’d worry he might be mocking me. But he isn’t. His look of surprise and delight is genuine, so I nod. “You’re driving me crazy.”
His breath catches. “Are your supplies still in your bedside table?”
“Condoms are, but my lube is in the shower.”
His eyes widen. “Okay, yeah, we really do need to hurry because now I have an image of you in the shower with your fingers wrapped around your cock in my head.”
“That’s not where my fingers were,” I say with a small smirk.
His eyes slip closed with a groan. “Jesus Christ, you’re gonna be the death of me, I swear,” he says before kissing me quickly. “Take your pants off. I’ll be right back.”
I nod, and he scrambles backward off the bed. As he beelines toward the bathroom, I grab a condom from my drawer, then fumble with my pajama pants and re-situate myself on the bed, laying on my stomach with my head pillowed on my folded arms. Less than thirty seconds later, he’s back. He tosses the bottle of lube and a spare hand towel from under the sink on the bed next to me, then shucks off his jeans and kneels on the bed.
His hand settles on my lower back, and he dips down to press a kiss to my shoulder blade. “On your back, darlin’. I want to be able to see your face.”
Smiling, I flip onto my back and look up at him. He smiles back and settles over me, his hands cupping my face as he kisses me. It’s slower this time, less frantic, and it makes me melt into the mattress.
After a moment, I hear the snick of the cap, then pull back to look at him. “Do you need me to guide you at all?”
“Not for this part.” He warms the lube up between his fingers and brings them between my legs.
A small gasp escapes me as his finger lightly circles my entrance.
“I’ve practiced this on myself,” he continues. “But I’ll need some guidance for what comes next.”
An image of him on his back, fingers buried between his legs, flicks through my mind at the same time he presses a finger into me, ripping a low moan from my throat. I arch my back, already wanting him closer. Somehow able to read my mind, his mouth seals over mine, swallowing another moan. I thread my fingers through his hair to anchor him in place, but I don’t think I have anything to worry about because he makes no move to pull his lips from mine.
I’m so overwhelmed by everything that is Jamie that I have no idea how much time has gone by as one finger becomes two, then three. But then, he crooks his fingers, and I’m suddenly brought back to my body as stars burst behind my eyes.
I break the kiss with a gasp. “Jamie—”
His lips immediately find the sensitive spot on my jaw, just below my ear. “I’ve got you, sweetheart,” he whispers as he crooks his fingers again.
Another wave of pleasure ripples down my spine, heightened by the feeling of his breath ghosting across my skin. “Fuck, I’m ready.”
His fingers still, and he props himself up on an elbow to look at me. “Are you sure?”
I nod. “I want you inside me.”
A sudden wave of uncertainty passes over his face, but he nods and slowly slides his fingers out of me. As he wipes his fingers on the hand towel he grabbed earlier and reaches for the condom on the pillow next to my head, I notice his hand shaking ever so slightly.
Gently, I cup his cheek and brush my thumb along his cheekbone. “Hey.”
His eyes flick to mine as he leans into my touch.
“We can stop if you no longer want to do this,” I say.
“No, I want to,” he says a little too quickly.
He takes a deep breath, then lets it out in a small huff. “Sorry, I’m just a little nervous.”