Page 97 of Bi-Partisan

I am so sorry sweetheart

After I texted you yesterday afternoon there was a minor crisis at the office. It all got resolved but it left me a little anxious and I didn’t want to be in a bad mood and ranting about work our entire call so I took one of my anxiety antihistamines cause they haven’t really been making me that sleepy. But apparently last night they did and I passed the fuck out. I didn’t even hear your call

I’m so so sorry

Oct 29, 8:30 AM

It’s okay

No it’s not. It was really shitty of me and I’m really sorry

Really it’s fine. I understand

Can I make it up to you tonight?

You don’t have to

I do though. Please darlin’?


Thank you

Again I’m so sorry

You don’t have to keep apologizing. I said I’m fine

Okay. I’ll call you tonight. I promise

Sounds good

Nov 7, 4:53 PM

Is your train still set for tomorrow?

Yeah, it leaves at 11. I should get in at 5:20


Thank you. I know tomorrow will probably be really overstimulating for you but it means a lot that you’re going to be there

Of course. I promised I would be

I know but I still appreciate it

I’m going to be pretty busy tonight, but if I get a minute can I call?

If I’m not asleep then yes absolutely

Adrian Wilks <3

Nov 8, 5:25 PM

Did your train get in yet

Just pulled in. Getting an Uber to the hotel now

Okay good