I saw my doctor today
What did they say?
She gave me a prescription to manage the reflux. It should be better than what I’ve been taking. But she’s also referring me to a specialist to get an endoscopy because she is also worried about potential esophagus damage.
Is it a PPI?
Yup so I have to take that daily now instead of as needed
I also mentioned the anxiety and burnout stuff and she gave me something to help with it for the short term
She didn’t refer you to a psychiatrist first?
She was going to but I knew I wasn’t going to be able to get in before the election so she gave me something short term. It’s technically some sort of antihistamine but it helps with anxiety
But if things are still bad in a month I’m gonna have to make a psych appointment
Yeah that's it
Yeah I’ve prescribed it to dogs for motion sickness and as a mild tranquilizer
So I probably shouldn’t take it if I can’t afford to be really sleepy
I wouldn’t recommend it
I would suggest starting to take a calcium supplement though. PPIs can reduce calcium absorption and since you already avoid dairy it puts you at a higher risk for bone density problems later on
See this is one of the reasons why having a doctor as a boyfriend is amazing
Thanks darlin’ <3
Oct 21, 6:45 PM
Hey darlin’ can we push our call back half an hour?
I got caught up at the office and I’m leaving now but I know I won’t be able to make it home in fifteen minutes
Thanks. You’re the best
Oct 28, 3:15 PM
I know you’re at work but I just wanted to say I miss you and I’m very excited for our phone date tonight
Oct 28, 6:03 PM
Me too
Oct 28, 8:42 PM
I just called and it went to voicemail. Is everything okay?
Oct 29, 7:10 AM