“6:00 a.m.”
He grumbles, and I can’t help chuckling as I add “not a morning person” to the little Adrian file in my head.
“I know, I’m sorry. I’ve got to get up, but you can go back to sleep. I’ll let myself out,” I say.
He grumbles again. “What time do you need to be in the office?” he asks as he snuggles close. Cuddly when sleepy also goes in the file.
“Usually, I’m already on my way in by now.”
“Not what I asked.”
“I don’t know. I think I’m fairly light on meetings today, but Daniel keeps track of that stuff way better than I do,” I admit.
“I assume you also have to go back to your apartment to get changed,” he says.
Shit, I hadn’t factored that into my timing this morning. But then I remember I still haven’t picked up my dry cleaning. “Actually, I can just text Daniel to pick up my dry cleaning in the Capitol complex.”
He lifts his head and gives me a wide-eyed look. “There’s a dry cleaner in the Capitol building?”
“Well, technically it’s underneath it, but yeah. Cool right?” I say with a grin. “So as long as I can borrow a clean pair of underwear and some socks, I could get dressed at work. You know, assuming that’s not weird to ask.”
“Baby, we literally just had sex, no it’s not weird to borrow a pair of my clean underwear,” he says with a small roll of his eyes.
“Well, I’m sorry for not knowing the underwear borrowing protocol in relationships between two men. If I’d asked that of any of my past significant others, it would have been weird,” I tease.
“It is far too early in the morning to be putting the image of you in women’s underwear in my head,” he says before returning his head to the crook of my shoulder.
I laugh and grab my phone. “Okay, well, I’m definitely putting a pin in that for later. But right now, I’ll text Daniel to tell him about the dry cleaning and check my schedule.”
“Is he going to be awake right now? Are all of your staff in as early as you?”
“Not all of them,” I say as I type out a text. “Usually just Ben. But Daniel’s a runner, so he’s usually up around now.”
Daniel Kemp
July 8, 6:05 AM
Hey can you get into the office a little early today and pick up my dry cleaning so it’s there when I get in later? Also what time am I needed in the office? Sorry I know it’s early.
Not a problem, sir! I can definitely do that. Your first meeting isn’t until 10:30, so you could probably push coming in until 9.
Do you want me to let the chief know for you?
Yes please. Thanks.
“Well?” Adrian asks as I set my phone back on the nightstand.
“I don’t need to be in until nine, apparently,” I say as I let myself relax back into the bed.
“So if I were to offer to make breakfast, would you have time for that?” he asks, almost hesitant.
“You don’t have to go into the clinic?”
“No, I have today and tomorrow off.”
“Then I’d love breakfast,” I say, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. “After a shower.”
He lifts his head again and gives me a look hinting at suggestive. “Would you like company in that shower?”