Page 51 of Bi-Partisan

But I will admit that does sound like a lot


That’s what Casey calls it when I hide away in my apartment after a lot of socializing. Like a hermit crab


But really it’s okay

If you’re sure

I am

Okay. Thank you

And thank you for suggesting the festival instead of the parade

You’re welcome <3

The moment Casey, Sophie, and I round the corner to see the crowd of people waiting to get through the entrance to the Capitol Pride Festival, I’m grateful I took a preventative Xanax before leaving the apartment. I usually try to avoid taking it to prevent increased periods of anxiety. Except before flying, that is. I prefer for it to be a last resort—a backup for when my other coping mechanisms fail. But remembering how I dealt with the crowds at pride a few years ago when Casey convinced me it would be fun, I knew I’d need the extra pharmaceutical help. And even though Jamie has been more understanding of my anxiety than I ever expected him to be, the last thing I want is to ruin his first pride by having some sort of episode. Hence the preventative measure, which seems to be working so far because as we follow the moving crowd to the entrance, I don’t feel my usual flight response kick in. I’m still on edge being around this many people, but it’s manageable.

We’re maybe twenty feet away from the entrance where they’re taking donations when I hear a shout from my left.


I stop short and look around to see where the sound came from when Jamie appears by my side, along with Mina and her girlfriend Chloe, almost as if he came out of nowhere.

“Hey, darlin’. Nice heart,” he says, grinning as he gestures at the rainbow heart tattoo I let Sophie paint on my cheek before leaving the house. It takes everything I have not to melt—and not because of the DC heat. I swear, that freaking dimple gets me every damn time.

“Hi.” I take a tentative step toward him. We’re in public, so in theory we should be acting like a couple and I should probably give him some sort of affectionate greeting. But aside from keeping up the act, I find myself wanting to be affectionate with him. Wanting to touch him. But it’s that desire that has me suddenly freezing up like a deer in the headlights.

Thankfully, he doesn’t seem to have that problem, and he closes the distance between us, wrapping his arms around me for a hug. Around us, I hear the rest of the group exchange their greetings—including Sophie squealing something about Chloe’s pink hair—but it fades into the background noise as I let myself settle into Jamie’s embrace. It’s only for a few seconds, though, then he pulls away, pressing his lips to my cheek as he lets me go.

Shoving down the momentary disappointment that, for a second time, he only kissed my cheek, I take a moment to look him over. He’s dressed the most casually I’ve ever seen him, in khaki shorts and tennis shoes. But my eyes snag on his shirt—a polo, which seems a little out of place at a pride festival until I notice the color pattern. I can’t help but smirk. “Is that a bi flag gradient polo?”

“Don’t,” he warns, trying and failing to suppress his own smile.

“Yes, please, Adrian, tell him how ridiculous that thing is,” Mina says as she waves a wild hand toward him.

He gives me an almost pleading look. “I have no idea where my mother found it, but she seemed really proud of it, so I didn’t have the heart not to wear it.”

Well, if that doesn’t make me fall for him just a little bit more.

“I think it suits you,” I say, allowing my smirk to fade into a soft smile.

His face lights up as he turns to face Mina. “Ha! See, my boyfriend likes it,” he says triumphantly as he slides his hand into mine.

She rolls her eyes, but smiles. “I’m pretty sure your boyfriend just likes you and, therefore, doesn’t want to tease you about your awful polo.”

Deep down, I know their “boyfriend” banter is because we’re in public and need to keep up appearances. But it makes my stomach flip all the same. It’s never a word I thought I’d ever hear or like in reference to me, but I think I do. And now I’m really glad for the Xanax mildly dulling my anxious edge because I definitely do not have time to spiral about the implications of that.

“So should we head in?” Sophie pipes up. “I’m starving and haven’t eaten anything yet today.”

“Soph, it’s past noon,” Casey says, giving her a pointed look.

“I wasn’t hungry when I woke up, then I forgot,” she says defensively.

“Mina, when do you want to do our post for social? Do you want to get it out of the way out here, or somewhere inside?” Jamie asks.