Page 31 of Bi-Partisan

I guess I just pictured this whole coming out thing to be a lot less… messy

Which is probably naive of me given that I’m a public figure

If it helps, coming out is messy no matter the circumstances. My coming out was messy and I was just a random teenager

That’s a fair point

I’ve got another patient so I have to go, but I’m glad telling your parents went well


Have a good rest of your shift darlin’

Adrian Wilks

Feb 4, 10:04 AM

My District Buzz interview just went live

I’ve been interviewed for newspapers more times than I bother to keep track of anymore for some reason this one makes me want to throw up

Feb 4, 6:43 PM

Work was a little crazy today but I was able to read it on the metro home.

I can see why this one would feel different. It was personal

It was. I’ve never felt so exposed before. At least Nora was easy on me

But what did you think?

It was great


Yes. I loved what you said about queer people not owing the world their identity. I also think a lot of people are going to resonate with how open you were about fearing the consequences of coming out

Thanks. And are you okay with the parts where I talked about you?

It was a little weird reading about myself in an article that wasn’t in a veterinary journal but I think it was fine

Okay cool. I tried to respect your privacy the best I could but I needed to give them something

It’s okay. I understand

Have you gotten any responses to it yet?

Mina seems to be happy with it but honestly I’ve been a little afraid to check any comments

That’s probably for the best. I didn’t read any comments either and I’m not a big social media person, but I do know that nothing good can come from reading the comments

Besides I think you should be proud of it regardless. It was a great interview

Thanks. That means a lot

Feb 10, 8:32 PM

Random question: what’s your favorite flower?